Responses from neonknight
Audiomods Is A Great Company @mijostyn You think the Millenia is available? I am not sure they have produced a new one lately. It seems like they are devoting their time and resources to getting their direct drive one to market. | |
Record cleaning and realistic expectations @lewm Of course anything worth doing is worth overdoing! That is the way we operate in the world of vinyl. | |
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable Got notification that the SOTA arm board has been built, and it is heading my way along with the Origin Live Agile tonearm. Fed Ex says it will deliver this coming Wednesday. Now I just have to decide which cartridge to put on it. I have the Trans... | |
Audiomods Is A Great Company Last week the low mass version of the arm built arrived. I have it temporarily set up on the table, but I need a spacer as the Scheu arm board is just too low. this is a problem with the Schroder arm I have on it also. But Jeff has fabricated one ... | |
Need A High Compliance Cartridge @lewm Actually the vintage higher compliance cartridges aren't in my wheelhouse. Sure I know the later V15 versions but that is mostly it. I also hear that some like Accutex have suspensions that harden. Was just trying to find a couple of good c... | |
amazing Perhaps it was a poor recording. Without knowing what was listened to there is no way to revisit it and confirm what you heard. If you can find any of those original albums give them a spin and see how things sorted out. | |
Dimond Cantilevers And Tip Mass @glennewdivk Isn’t John Wright retired and London Decca shuttered? | |
Dimond Cantilevers And Tip Mass @viridian Thanks for the info I have not followed the latest generation of Audio Technica cartridges closely. | |
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge I have done this a number of times, and I have sold also. Often I buy a cartridge with the intention of sending it out for service. For instance, I bought an Audio Tekne MC6310 last year at a very attractive price but I knew there were a number o... | |
Yamamoto HSA-01 headshell/head amp @lewm Sorry to hear the experiment did not work out. But fortunately you have a combination of equipment that allows you to enjoy the cartridge. The MC2000 is unique in the challenges it presents, but the beauty of the cartridge is quite the exper... | |
upgrading systemdek iix worth it?.... I will say that Jeff at Audiomods is one of the best folks out there in this hobby. What you get is worth every dollar, pound, or euro you give him. Actually Jeff just agreed to build me a 10.5 inch arm for my MC2000 cartridge that will be in the ... | |
upgrading systemdek iix worth it?.... I owned a IIXE when they were new, and was quite pleased with it. The tables are still quite good and I would take them over a mid tier Project, and Fluance, and lower end Rega. The Profile II was a decent arm, but you could do better with on... | |
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable Part of this process was deciding how to consolidate my analog stuff. I was looking at a way of improving upon my second table, and maybe just maybe buying a great table and running just one arm on it, perhaps one that would have displaced the SO... | |
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable Well I have finally gotten some information back. Looks like I can fit the Origin Live Agile to the table with a custom made arm board to meet the weight requirements of the suspension. So the plan is to fit it to the SOTA and I will install the T... | |
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable Still have not made a decision yet, but one of the candidates is the Origin Live Enterprise. The next arm up is way too heavy and out of the limits of the suspension. |