

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
chakster, To my big surprise I heard from my comrade Donfor the first time that those ''Stereohedron'' styli used by Stantonare made by the Expert Stylus Co in UK. I had no idea that Expertstylus produces styli. My first experience with them  was ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
What about Benz which is a real factory producing all cartridgeparts except cantievers and styli. Van den Hul get his parts fromBenz. I am not sure if Gyger still produces styli but Allaerts stilluses them. Then the British Expert stylus does prod... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Sorry chakster, My remarks about AKG are indeed addressed toCleeds whom I somehow confused with you (grin). However my mistake about AKG and Cleeds does not apply for the Signets about which we had our dispute .  
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear chakster, we again disagree in our valuation. As answer toyour post our Professor first quoted your statement and then wrotean exteded explication of the ''real state of afairs'' with Signets. I don't think that his intention was to ''prove''... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well this may look curious but thanks to ill informed chaksterwe got 3 lectures from our Professor for free. ''May look as such''because one get much more reactions when one make someerror than in case of correct informaation. A ''certain Aussie''... 
Best mc retip service
Dear lohanimal, ''the beautiful girls elsewhere'' is of course anmetaphor . However in my case the ''real thing''. I come allthe way from Serbia to Holland and marry my beautiful blondDutch girl. There were however no import duties and VAT (value ... 
Best mc retip service
''Now the prices vary from about 80 for a new tip ...to full 1500GBP for a rebuld''.Dear dover , this may be regarded as a joke in relationship toShelter 501 but ''in general'' the numbers are correct. My KoetsuRosewood Signature was ''refurbished... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
The Signets are meant as the exclusive top of the AT kinds.All should be ''composed'' from seleceted parts by sellectedemployee. This may be the case (?)for versions till nr. 7 but not for the lower versions . There are btw the ''old versions'' wi... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
The accuracy surpassing measuring instruments was onlypossible in ''the real socialistic countries'' thanks to the belovedleadership of the communist party.  
Cartridge with broken coil wire
There are different ways to judge about ''sense and nonsense'' ofwhatever advice in this forum. All will assume some criterion.My will be counting while the involved advice is to not solderthe coil wire becausse of (destructive?) influence of ''so... 
How do tell when my stylus is too much worn?
czarivey, You are obviously confused : ''erection problem'' iscalled ''low riders'' , stylus wear may look as similar but istotally different problem. The problem of this problem is ''anybody guess'' as can be seen in this thread. From 500 till at... 
Cartridge with broken coil wire
Northwest analogue in UK is the only ''retipper'' willing to''mess'' with the coils. They invented some machine for thecoils. However in your case any retipper should be able to(re)solder the wire which are broken ''outside'' of the coil. Thismean... 
How do tell when my stylus is too much worn?
''to muddy the waters'' the Ortofon ''Replicant stylus'' can endure2000 hours. I own 3 Ikeda's carts from the 80is (FR 7 fz, f and8 c , the cantileverless kind) all of them still going strong. Strange btw that our ''highest carts authority'' has n... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear comrade indierohere (alias Knut), I assume that you arereferring to Kansui on ''audio-markt.de''? On the same site youcan find my Windfeld which is much better cart. You can eventrade in your JVC X2. I want to keep my sample in virginal state. 
How do tell when my stylus is too much worn?
I can buy a big telescope and pretend to be astronomer but thetelescope as such can't make astronomer from me. Well by comparison with whatever miscroscope ...Consider all thosestyli shapes. After loking at, say, 3 kinds one can't remembereither e...