

Responses from nandric

So how many use MM cartridge and intend to keep it that way ?
Dear chakster, the logic of identity relation is not easy to graspbut the rule is that the same name refer to the same object. Thereare however different names which refer to the same object butwe somehow have no problem with those. Say Vienna , W... 
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
Hi Pani, As ''involved party'' I am reluctant to react at your post.However I am well informed about ''retips'' because Axel Schurholzis my good friend such that I know what their problem is. First ofall all cart producers get their cantilever/sty... 
So how many use MM cartridge and intend to keep it that way ?
My former comrade Don become my ''brother Don'' so since sometime now we consult each other about  new purchases. He boughttwo display cases for each of us such that each cart in them hasits own headshell pre-adjusted according to the Mint tractor... 
Dear chakster, I have no idea how old you are but I do knowthat you are from the former Sovjet Union. Anyway you shouldknow about collective admiration of the authority there. I wasalways wondering in my native Serbia how is this possible in acoun... 
Dear chakster, You remind me of this opera aria from Rigolleto''La donna e mobile''. I try to please you by supporting youropinion about the need for a SUT by low output MC carts. My''division'' or the value of 0,3 mV may be arbitrary but this doe... 
chakster, Salvatore is self appointed hifi authority a kind of ''superRaul''. Not exactly like Napolen but similar. As is well known Napoleon appointed himself to the king of France. The problemwith Salvatore is , uh, logical. ''The best x'' imply... 
Dear Dover, I can't compete with a former HIFI dealer reg.the aboundance of equipment owned and experienced butI own two ''decent phono-pres'' and an abundance of MCcartridges. Those two are Basis Exclusive (''gold'' version) andKlyne 7 PX3.5 both... 
Dover's opinions depend from the amount of the New Zealand's''Holy water'' he used before writing his post. For those who thinkthat this country produces only sheep my advice is to try theirwine. The income from wine is such that they call their w... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
There is no sense in producing new TT which nobody can afford.So my quess is about $5000 such that I can buy Lew's Kenwoodfor, say, $ 3000 while he need  to add only $ 2000 to enrich hiscollection with one more ''best ever TT''.  
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
inna, ''x is cheaper than y and z '' has no sense if we have no ideawhat x cost.  
''Ha ha'' tdybare1, In our church everybody is free to express his belief while traditional religions prescribe their believers what tobelieve. I believe that you are right regarding Urushi's.  
Moving a 5,000 vinyl LP collection safely
unrecivedogma, Never heard the story about Sisyphus ? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Chakster, The first (philosophical) premise  of our hobby is:''it depends'' . Despite  the abundance of the so called ''supply''there is a shortage of the styli we need . The retippers get richby asking 500 euro for a simple job of gluing a new ca... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi chakster, the retips with boron cantilever and whatever styluscost about $500. Your best option is to do surgery by yourself.The most of AT styli are fastened with a small crew on the innerside. If you buy suitable donors with the right cantile... 
My experience with Koetsus is limited but I own many MC carts while without comparisons no judgement is possible. My firstwas the Rosewood Signature which was refurbished by Koetsufor 2000 euro. I was not impressed. Then I got one of those Uruchi'...