

Responses from nanbil

Using Test LP - curious observations
I found just the opposite when using the Hi-Fi test LP-it also verified that a high quality phono stage is important. When using my Denon DL-S1 through the phono stage in my Musical Fidelity A3cr pre-amp there was a just bit of audible distortion ... 
New Rega RP6
It is my understanding that new RP6 will replace both the P5 and the P7-not sure why Rega is dropping both turntables and while the new RP6 may better the P5 there is no way it betters the P7. 
surface noise and cartridge/ phono pre questions
As someone has already said, clicks and pops are a part of the vinyl experience, I try to think of them as simple ambient noise much like one hears in a live concert venue-people coughing, talking, and moving about. A well designed phono stage wil... 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
Music: hi-quatlity stereo equipment must be transparent. Its purpose is to allow both the music and the artistry of the musicians to flow from the medium (LP, CD etc) into one's listening space. I am a musician and listen to live music all of the ... 
MC versus MM. Which to choose.
Raul,How could you disagree with my statement? I merely stated a personal preference for low output moving coils while acknowledging that some prefer moving magnet/moving iron cartridges. I further suggested that the poster listen to both cartridg... 
Rega TT Owners - P3-P5-P7
I looked at both the P5 and the P7; chose the P7 and have never been happier. 
MC versus MM. Which to choose.
I agree, a very good phono stage is vital with a low output MC. Personally, I think that LOMC are the best way to go but some prefer the sound of MM. Listen to both and make up your own mind. Don't forget to have fun. 
Stand out phono stages
I just bought a Musical Fidelity's kW Phono to use with my DL-S1. This is an outstanding phono stage, dynamic, open, controlled and highly adjustable. Highly recommended!!!! 
How much gain?
RauliruegasI've never really gotten along with MM cartridges; I've tried several including Ortofons, Regas, Shures, and Audio Technicas, all have been highly regarded but somehow I found them musically lacking. Despite its shortcomings, I really l... 
How much gain?
Thanks for your quick responses. The MF is hooked up to a set of B & K Sonata M200 mono-block amps running a pair of Thiel 2 2s. They're in a medium large listening room. Very rarely do I get the volume control to the halfway point, and never ...