
Discussions mythtrip has started

Amp and subwoofer for Audio Physic Virgo II's....24280
Audio Physics Virgo II's; What amp?628110
Pioneer SX-1050: worth repairing?3521818
HeadPhones: Best soundstage?237825
Naim Nait vs. NAD 375BEE: Soundstage192296
Integrated Amp for my Audio Physic 2 speakers48797
BEDROOM MONITORS, on ceiling.....30056
Monitors for a bedroom system.......850625
RECIEVER recommendations2435215
MBL: Best for soundstaging???37033
Epiphany Speakers?? Do they produce one..........25653
Pre and Amp for Virgo II's24712
++++Virgo II Owners++++25404
Besides Spectral, what else do I try........853420
Preamp is an amplifier too, right???404913