
Discussions mythtrip has started

Why is balance in my pre inaccurate at low levels?32075
VTA Adjustment497411
???Cartridge break in???399119
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++2873878
+++Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Reciever+++48534
++++Virgo III reviews???++++++607710
Silverline Sonatina's or Coincident Victory...23592
++ Hovland HP-100 Pre ++28142
Efficient speakers for my 2A3's........773917
2A3 vs. 300B single end triode....3588512
If tube amp is left on, but not playing........545413
B & W 805 Nautilus with SET........22915
4ohm vs 8 ohm......why one or the other.......25165
I Need to Mount Amps ON WALL+++465719
SUN 2A3 single ended triode.....45514