
Responses from mtkhl567

What is new with the Memory Player?
However much I applaud the technological advances benefitting musical reproduction, ie in this case 16/44 redbook CD playback. I'm worried that, as is suggested above, the socalled "ace in the hole" is solidly based on software development. And th... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
The Behold power amplifiers of Mr Perry each have 8 pairs of Analogue Devices DA converters (the AD1853 to be precise). I don't know if these are of-the-shelve or made to order specially for Behold. But, there you have it. Wonder how much it contr... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
I have been reading the website, have to admit it's tough to plough through the huge amount of technical data, although its very interesting, it is sometimes bordering science fiction (ie the rereading of bit data and moving around the laser upto ... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Got it... me a while, but googled Mr Perry's review...makes for interesting reading for those (like me) who would like to understand more about this player. This review gives more details about what it ... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
I'm still looking for any review! And a proper comparison with peer players. 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Been reading this thread that was pointed out to me recently by my dealer. Very interesting indeed and such wildly varied opinions about this Memory Player! However, this company is on the right track: hdd mass music storage with the ability to re... 
Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?
Dgad, as you said you spoke with EMM, can you elaborate on exactly the difference in sound the for each? You mention only technical/design differences, but what are the sonic impacts...and are they noticable? We all know that power cables and inte... 
Levinson 33H vs Boulder 1060/2060??
Anupmc, I did not cross components when listening, it was straight Levinson vs Boulder vs Accuphase, the latter being eliminated pretty quickly.RegardsHenry 
Levinson 33H vs Boulder 1060/2060??
....and, yes, as Geshi mentioned: you have to listen yourself and make your own opinion! 
Levinson 33H vs Boulder 1060/2060??
Hi MAXX1973, I listened many hours at a dealer to both the ML 33H/32 and the Boulder 1010/1050 on S-F Stradivari's through Accuphase DP100/DC101 wired by N-O Valhalla's. To me the Levinson was more satisfying than Boulder. IMHO I though there was ... 
The best CD Player for the money
Kentb, did you try Emmlabs and/or Metronome? 
No Pain No Gain?
Greg/Larry, thanks for your contributions. My experience so far is that with most music it really does not matter, its more with my personal taste on what volume level I'm used to and comfortable with. However, with some recordings there are signi... 
No Pain No Gain?
Greg, I was not referring to my system's noise floor, which is very low. Only if you put your ear on the tweeter and turn the volume past 3 quarters you start hearing a little hiss. If you sit back 8 feet, you can't even hear it anymore. I was ref... 
No Pain No Gain?
Mr Tennis, I'm no bodybuilder, but they would argue that the opposite holds true for them, no pain no gain :-)But the Emmlabs unfortunately doesn't come with a no gain option. The lesser the gain, the higher you need to turn up volume, the more yo... 
No Pain No Gain?
Thanks for all your response. At certain levels of higher gain settings I believe it amplified hiss levels, when they are already on the recording. So I am now inclined to have the pre-amp setting at 0 db gain with the EMMLabs player at high (+18d...