
Responses from mt10425

What reviews do you trust if any?
Have you seen some of the pics of the reviewers listening areas? Some look like they live in a broom closet in their mom's basement. 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Okay fish, you're a professional musician. You've dismissed all ideas and suggestions out of hand. I guess you're on your own. Good luck and I hope the bass just mysteriously reappears for you. 
Cartridge Advice for 1970s Kenwood TT
Grado or Shure. 
Most expensive piece of vinyl you acquired is?
I considered $100 for an original 'Kiko' from the UK but held off. Now, I'm waiting for the MoFi release. 
Naim or Jeff Rowland?
I finally had a chance to hear Rowland equipment with Avalon speakers. All I was thinking was, 'second mortgage?'. 
At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?
I'm 60 next month and just bought another amp. The next one might need to have a remote. ;) 
Dear Moderator
Let Vic's regret be a lesson to others. Just because we spend time typing doesn't mean hitting 'send or submit' is mandatory. Sometimes just writing is cathartic, I've written plenty of posts and not posted them. 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
I'm on the Manitunc bus. I've tried to keep up with other Raul threads, but keep falling asleep. It must be tough knowing 'absolutely' so much. Mapman is also a hero of mine. I read about half of the 5-6 audio mags I get because I, also, have no i... 
how can I make the back wall transparent?
I cross my single driver speakers in front of my listening position in a medium size room. 17d X 35w and I sit about 13ft away with the speakers about 13 ft apart. Cathedral ceilings. No constriction of soundstage. 
Power cable for 5 watt SET amp?
I use(d) the MAC HC on my previous Sophia baby and current Sophia EL-34. I'd gone through Shunyata (venom), Soundstring, PS Audio and a xStream Power Master. 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
Vic, I hope not. I'll be 60 in a month, with teenagers, almost 14 & 16. I wish I was long boarding as I was born/raised at the beach in San Diego. I'm not grumpy about my mortality, but I am a dumb ass occasionally. 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
We, 'the elderly', don't have to have a point, since you've dismissed our value. 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
Hey Vic- "analog-based elderly"? Really? Dumbass. 
My system has a narraw sounstage, lacks dynamics.
How much are you paying us for the jokes we're providing you? 
Phono interconnect under $500 used
One more thing. My current cables use a single wire versus multi strands. This may also affect resolution.