
Responses from mspot

What Is So Special About Harbeth?
I think it's the marketing prowess of the distributors more than Harbeth as a company, but effective marketing doesn't require an army of marketing majors. It really only takes one person who understands the market and what drives sales.  I har... 
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
Harbeth is becoming the Bose of British speakers -- they’re such a powerhouse in marketing that you can tell folks that there are better alternatives until you’re blue in the face -- doesn’t matter, they’re going to sell droves of them regardless... 
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
It is obvious these folks are hurting. On the Harbeth forum, Alan Shaw said they were careful about negotiating Brexit and the pandemic, and he says the company remained financially solid. Actually one of their biggest problems is meeting deman... 
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
Alan Shaw is obsessed about accurately reproducing the human voice, and he brings up the topic regularly on Harbeth's forum. Shaw's reasoning is that our hearing developed from millions of years of evolution to be hyper sensitive at picking up sub... 
Has anyone noticed Qobuz sounding a little fatter in the right channel?
If you swap the left/right channels (flip the interconnects or speaker cables), does the issue move to the other side?  
Damping factor
You are using two different preamps (the Bryston and the preamp section of the Hegel), and they have different sound signatures. Do this to isolate and hear the difference between the preamps: Connect speakers to the PA-1 amp, and don't use the... 
What's All The Fuss And Big Deal About Roon About Roon Being A Must-Have??
I've even bought an 8 terabyte hard drive and connected it to my Bluesound In your current system, Bluesound should work fine. After you've accumulated a lot of music on the drive and your music library feels large and unwieldy, that's when you... 
Great Classical Recordings
Best I can describe it is you hear instruments arranged in space (a sort of sculpture), not a mush of sound. I am especially interested in operas and symphonies. but would also like to hear about smaller ensemble work An example of an orchestra... 
What are ways to fix speaker dips in my speaker or audio room
Well, did he make recommendations for what he thinks you should do? He has analyzed your room and I would follow his advice rather than ask us who know nothing about your room.DSP and bass traps (you can use them together, BTW) can help to correct... 
Benchmark dac2 and mqa
One of these settings is “pass through mqa” which is supposed disable software decoding. When I choose this setting the music still plays. Shouldn’t it not work if my dac truly doesn’t support mqa?MQA audio files are in standard formats (such as... 
LED dimmable lights in audio room?
The problem with dimmer switches is that they control the level using pulse wave modulation (PWM). The circuit is rapidly switched on and off to modulate the amount of power passing through. This generates a lot of radio frequency noise.Lutron (a ... 
Problems with TIDAL MQA and QOBOZ "Hi Res"
I would put the blame at the source — the record labels, which have remastered many albums into worse sound. On the web, there are many complaints about the sound quality of current releases of older albums. Unfortunately there isn’t anything you ... 
Another GaN smaller integrated, Technics SU-G30 has everything bar the kitchen sink.
Yeah, but cracked glass, wonder if it was dropped? I’d be nervous buying something like that see cracked glass.Besides the cracked glass, the input selector knob is broken off. That unit has gone through some kind of severe trauma! 
GaN by GaN Class-D with SMP complete for $940, ready to go just put in a box.
@atmasphere — thanks, I hadn’t seen the ASR review.Getting back to my original post... if you’ve auditioned a component and love it, then sure, go ahead and spread the word.But if you’ve never even heard it, it’s bizarre to be telling people, "It’... 
GaN by GaN Class-D with SMP complete for $940, ready to go just put in a box.
It’s a huge American company get your facts straight. Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) is a small startup company with 79 employees listed on LinkedIn and annual revenue of $20M. Look up their address and v...