
Responses from mrmitch

Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?
Forgot some music you might want to use: Fleet Foxes, Death Cab For Cutie,Arcade Fire, Bon Iver. I second The Decemberists. And I usually find that AC/DC's "Back In Black" will impress just about anyubody except the stodgy. 
Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?
And just how is the hi-end audio torch going to be passed if the current generation isnt exposed to music they can relate to on a great system??? Anything that could inculcate not only a love of good music but a love of high end audio is a win/win... 
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's
Iron Butterfly put out an album later in the 70's called Metamorphosis. This album was a sea change for them, different music than from their Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida days. Three of the four original members remained but they added two guitarists, one o... 
Original prices for LP albums
RW, thought it was Eight Jewishk Korean War Veterans. Used to buy my LP's from the Edison store on Rt 1 (maybe Woodbridge?)in NJ. Also from Two Guys From Harrison store in Middletown where I grew up. Most albums were from 3.99 new to 6.99 . 
HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim
And THIS would be the reason why I dont buy anything that has to be shipped. No matter what precautions with shipping are taken, its basically a crap shoot as to whether or not what you bought arrives in one piece. I would much rather wait til wha... 
Is good customer service about dead?
Customer sevice should be of the utmost importance to every manufacturer. Like many, I wont buy from any company if I hear from word of mouth or see in print that they are indifferent or , even worse, hostile towards customers. Manufacturers, espe... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
It would be interesting to hear from more people who have bought Magnepan products new (not used) and have had issues , to see in what manner Magnepan responded to them. I can't comment on Magnepan, having never bought anything of theirs, but for ... 
500 Greatest Albums of all Times
Bill, all your yawning and snoozing is making me tired! 
The best speaker you ever heard?
It's obvious to me that the right Reverend Hifisoundguy is on a mission. He is proselytizing for his Hifi god, the Bose 901, and wont be happy until he can convince the audio world to switch audio gods. Seriously dude, let it go, your opinion is a... 
Moving across country with over 1000 LP's
Thanks to everyone for you sharing your knowledge and experiences! I found what you all said to be very true in a common sense way and I'm sure it will help. Been contemplating the move for awhile now, just tired of the NJ winters and having to sn... 
How diverse is your musical taste?
Everything with the exception of hip-hop and country-western. 
Highwater Sound
I bought a TW Akustic Raven One, an Ortofon 12 inch arm, and Dynavector cart from Jeff in 2009. He was very attentive to what I was saying about tastes and let me play all the reference LP's I wanted, never rushed or hurried us. He even gave my wi... 
Best Arm for Raven One?
Just as an aside, Thomas Woschick, the designer of the TW Akustic line, used the Ortofon arm as his demo arm until he recently designed his own arm. Do I believe the Ortofon arm is as good as the Phantom? No. But the Raven's own designer may have ... 
Name your 5 favorite Led Zeppelin tracks.
Have to agree with Markalarsen about Stairway. That song was killed from media overexposure. There's a story about it, no one knows if its true or not, but the story goes that Robert Plant was driving around and Stairway came on the radio in his c... 
Biwire speakers
I think it also depends on your speaker. Some are designed to be run bi-wired so if you only run them single wired or single wired with jumpers, the sound isnt as good. Bi-wiring vs. single wiring with jumpers made a huge difference for the better...