
Responses from mrmitch

Best Tweak???
My speakers (Unity Audio Sig 1's from the early 90's) have a 10 inch woofer downfiring at the bottom. Felt like I was missing deep bass (realizing of course that I'm not going to get much below 32Hz in any event). They sat on spikes which went thr... 
How selective are you?
I've bought music using two methods. One is to seek out first pressings of music I am familiar with due to reviews and members' preferences, or hearing a piece on Sirius radio or Pandora. The other is random impulse buying. Thing is I've been surp... 
Lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier?
Had a PS Audio 200C amp years ago and it began sounding lifeless with a cracking sound audible. Called PS Audio and the tech said that after about 20 years the caps are pretty much shot. Which led to my purchase of a Belles 350A. 
Rediscovering Cold Blood
Huge fan! "I'm a Good Woman" was on the set list of one of the bands I played in during the 70's. 
i am looking to replace my Krell with tube amps,
I also agree with Rgs92. Have excellent results, tube magic and solid bass and dynamics with my tubed Joule Electra LA 150 Mk2 preamp and Fosgate Signature phono preamp and 250 watt/channel solid state Belles 350 A amplifier. 
i am looking to replace my Krell with tube amps,
Take a look at VTL, they have tube amps going up to at least 750 watts/channel. Havent heard any VTL in years so I cant give you any help there but in the past they've always sounded excellent. 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Have to agree with others here who dont see the need for a rant when someone admits they dont know something. They're asking those of us who do have the knowledge and experience to share that knowledge, which is how they become knowledgeable> D... 
REVEL Salon2s - What Amp is needed? Subs needed?
Irv is right about the possibility of your amps being out of spec by now. Things like capacitors are pretty much near the end of their useful lives after 20 years, depending on how much use the amps have had. At least get them checked out so you k... 
Steve Hackett's The Shrouded Horizon, 2011's best.
Been impressed with his releases after he left Genesis, from "Voyage of the Acolyte" to his classical compositon and playing of "Midsummer's Night Dream". 
Rolling Stone Mag 100 Greatest Guitarists
Rolling Stone used to be(60's and 70's) a cutting edge magazine and contained incisive reviews of music and interviews with musicians. Now they just pander to the lowest common denominator so their cred with me is very low on any "Best Of" list. 
Best of the new jazz 45rpm reissues
Give Hank Mobley's "Workout" on Blue Note 45 a try, you wont be sorry. 
Name 3 under appreciated pop/rock drummers
Mitch Mitchell, Keith Moon ,Jim Gordon, Jim Keltner,Danny Serafine, Joe Morello--underappreciated? By who?? These were some of the best drummers that were widely known! Now we just need someone to suggest Neil Peart. 
Procul H's
I have all of PH's stuff but the standout for me is my first pressing on vinyl of Salty Dog, absolutely outstanding in every way! On the other hand, Ive never been able to find a decent copy of Home (have 3 in trying to find a great one)-go figure... 
Rolling Stone top 100 Guitarists - Howe/Van Halen
Macdad, I LIKE your list. Agree totally-dont think anyone can really say Jimmy Page makes EVH look like a child-two totally different guitarists who BOTH pioneered new techniques, Page and his bowing, EVH and tapping. Howe is a standout for me sim... 
Which band's vinyl catalog is consistently great?
Peter Gabriel post-Genesis.