
Responses from mrjstark

NuForce vs Red Wine
I can not comment on the new Nuforce but I completely agree with Natewalker_2006 in describing RWA ( I've heard new 30.2 ).I was very impressed .....& it is not an easy thing to do. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Could be a noisy tube......If you think it is ground loop problem (you have to be sure) fine a dealer and ask for loan of a Ground Zero made by Granite Audio. (if you are in tri-state area - let me know). I had a similar headache just a while ago.... 
How critical is placement for Vandy 2 ce Sig. ?
Find a dealer.Listen for yourself (3f from the wall).Do not be pushed around.If you can not find a dealer......:36inches isn't a disaster.Experiment with the toe-in.How is the WAF(Wife Acceptance Factor)?Are the room acoustic treatments like absor... 
What do you think is the best sounding metal album
Metalica, AC/DC are bands that I have listened to while sucking milk from Mothers' breasts. And I couldn't care less what the quality was like. Later, Pantera ruled. 
NuForce vs Red Wine
IMHO, I think You should.I liked what I heard.....It would be ideal to have them both for a comparison in your own system. 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Great news, I am happy to hear that you can enjoy your music again.All the bestMariusz Stark 
best high efficiency speakers for under 3 grand
Here are just a few:Omega, Zu, Emerald Physics CS2 If I was looking for a pair of speakers in 3K range,Emerald Physics CS2 would be on the top of my list.One thing you must consider if you decided to go with Emerald Physics CS2 is, they need to be... 
Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's
In the perfect World we shouldn't have this problems but You as well as I know that it is not the case. We may have differences of opinion on some issues but we all try to achieve the same way or the other. That's what is it all ab... 
New room problems?
2 , 4inch abs. first reflections - side wall. 2 , bass traps rear corners.2 , skyline diffusers on the ceiling - 1st ref. points.Good point was made about window treatment, do that.+ experiment with spks placement and listening position.(sorry for... 
Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's
Pubu57, my set-up is (i am guessing) totally different then Kens'. WAF is not an issue (it is a dedicated "L" room) & it was (still is) optimise to get the best possible results. And your are right - Quatros are pulled out from the rear wall j... 
Repair or Upgrade my Audio Research M100 and LS22
What is wrong with them???? 
Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's
Pubul57, lets make something CLEAR.Ken asked which speakers will/might be better for him and his situation, Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's.A matter of how much space behind the speaker is optimal for the particular brand or model is a broad... 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Umaasa, Jmcgrogan2 (and all that are interested)I spoke to Steve today on the phone to clarify few things and ask him for OK to spill a little more details and a short comparison between "before" & "after" modification done by Bob Backert. Act... 
a tube amplifier repair technician
I just receive the email that work on my amps is completed and there are ready to be pick-up.Here is some of the work that has been done:Installed 4 Dynamic loading circuit mods to gain stage and phase inverter/driver tubes..Rewire to eliminate ca... 
Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's
All true, but wouldn't you agree that some distance from rear wall could be beneficial to vest majority of speakers on the market today? There are speakers that are a little more flexible when it comes to "in room placement" then the others......a...