
Responses from mrjstark

Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
It is my fault, I should have ask you sooner.But there is always onother time. I will let you know if or when (privately). It was great for few reasons. First of all, my old friend had a chance to hear my rig for the first time. Now, this will mak... 
PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound
Synthfreek - you are right.Original projected MSRP. was around $1600 then $1999 and end up at 2.5k.Is it worth that much...? I leave it to you. However it would be a KILLER AT $1500....up to 2K.Regardless of price, it is a fine, details fast and i... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
It is a real pleasure to hear from you Joe.I wasn't aware that you have owned Granite amps and 657 cdp. I am sure that 657 is pretty nice. It is true what you said about volume is sweet....oh yes.Same with 770fp preamp - realllly nice... 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker no I missing something???Yes, I agree that Sunny speaks would make it to that list but......this is not it???And.......besides the fact that:a. They cost is almost 100Kb. You will need 2 pro moving comps. or f... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
I have always wondered .....!why is Granite Audio always in the shadow. Yes, Don refuse to pay BIG BUCKS to top mags but so does M. of Supratek. Everyone that I know who owns Granite cables, loves it but very few own his amps or preamps.I have hea... 
Are interconnect cables worth $15,000?
Who is asking, is what I want to know. 
PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound
I have seen at least 2 or 3 in the past month. I am not sure but I think he was also a dealer. 
best transport for ... 2008?
iWadia under $400plus iPod $300 
PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound
Go for it.For 1.5K used or demo , it is a great cdp. 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Yes it did and I am hungry for more. How is your preamp ???? 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Lucky, your name sounds familiar.Ever been in QFS showrooms??? I have met there a guy name Lucky .........maybe it is you?The lucky , I know modded his Jolida monos and thought about Cyber Reference 2.2 or something like that.If you are that guy..... 
Innersound Speakers
"i am not foisting my preferences upon anyone. i respect all points of view. i realize that taste is what it is and it varies . put 3 audiophiles in a room and you may get 4 opinions"Exactly Mrtennis - and there is nothing wrong with use of "IMO".... 
Review: Usher BE-10 Speaker
Make sure, You know what You are doing.Me.......noooooooaa, I would find someone who would do it for me.You can try to email L.Walker to point You in the right direction. And then do it your self or $$$ to do it.Is it worth it ???.......I have No... 
Could this be a Major Breakthough ?
Hifisoundguy are you related to Mrtennis ??? 
Innersound Speakers
Mrtennis, as you know, I also own Martin Logans Aerius i.----------------------------------------------------------I am not atacking (or tring to) anyone. ----------------------------------------------------------It would NOT hurtto be a little mo...