
Responses from mrjstark

Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?
It will just not work. Not a foot away from the wall.A waist of great speaker. IMO 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Very interesting. It is getting warmer. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Oh yes, I replaced them with MODIFY CYBERS 800 - BY BOB BACKERT.They sound awesome.Cheers 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Joe, this man is a genius.I just wished I have met Bob in person to thank him for the wonderful job he did on my Cybers. Maybe one day.Yes a person interested in Bobs' work could opt. to do one mod at the time to ease the pa"$"in or to have better... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Tvad, I think that love for music and searching for the best possible equipment that we can afford to reproduce it, can reinforce each other. However, YES & NO is my answer to your statement. It really depends on the individual,don't You think... 
Dylan & Starbucks anyone?
I have not heard that one but am listening right now to another CD from*bucks - Sia , Some people have real problems. I must say, it is very good. Check it out, I am sure you will like it.Cheers 
What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?
Sherod,A night with Rick might not be worth the money.I would recommend going seperate ways after dinner. But in general it is a very good idea. 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Follow up Part 1 Since Bob recommended 50-60 hours break-in time and I might have about 25h on them. This evaluation should be taken as such. I am not sure if its (Cybers 800)performance is going to get any better after full 60 hours burn-in time ... 
room treatment
If it is a rental I would consider a RCS (Digital or Analog Room Correction System) like Rives(it is on my list for some time now) or TacT Audio (which I own) or Copland (which I have NO experience with but heard good reviews).If you can deal with... 
"romantic" sounding cabling
Candle light + Cheap wine + mute wh...e.Sorry Could not help it.______________________________________________________________________Cardas have that reputation. 
Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?
Pipe dream (if you want to get the best out of these spks).Sorry 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
I am also interested, as long as it is under 1K (more like $700). Come on big brains of the industry sweat a little and give us something that we can afford. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
It might be the case with some amps but I would try to have preamp grounded and try to find the real problem then playing "Russian Roulette". I know it is flustrating......been there not to long ago myself.I wish you luck with this annoying problem. 
a tube amplifier repair technician
*Pick them up today.*No time to hook them up.*Quality time first, hobby second.Heard them in Stephen Monte's' store in two set-ups. First thing that I have noticed was a change in - speed, bass,detail, effortless flow of notes. However, non of tho... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
On my amp, it was the input tube NOS6922 Amperex.*are you positive it is the pre-amp....not the amp.*Some amps do not like to be plugged into AC conditioners or voltage stabilizers. It the worst case scenario, it could be a bad or leaky cap.....