
Responses from mrjstark

Thinking of upgrading speakers, any suggestions?
Sasha, first thing first.Rest of your gear, room, etc.Speakers are only part of the system.....that is why it is called the system. Room, amplfication.......first.CheersMariusz 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
No need to worry now. He will be just fine.......after 100hrs of brake-in time, some tube rolling etc. It is called system for a reason and right now it needs to mature and to be optimized to sound its best. Seems to me that he is pleased at this ... 
Down-firing subs and downstairs neighbors
1. Subwoofer placement. (stay away from the corners. Try mid-front or mid-side wall). The goal is to get the smoothest respond without boominess and overloading the room.2. Use of bass traps in all corners and sub_base like the one Auralex sells.3... 
Usher 718BE or Dynaudio S1.4
Ushers must be carefully matched. I have heard those in good and bad dealer's setups.They have potentials my opinion, they are very difficult to work with and get the setup right. Also for around the same amount you can have time piece... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
That is exactlly what I had in mind David......thanks.Mariusz 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
Rick,In my opinion Blueberry is not just good , it is an excellent preamp for the asking price. It also comes in premium wood finish which looks great and adds to the overall enjoyment. Its sound is very rich, especially with Mullard tube. Its pre... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
I agree with above suggestion. Behaviour of new gear can be deceiving while breaking in. Give it some time to settle in.Get to know your new gear, and only then evaluate its weak and strong points. Address the isuess accordingly, either by tube ro... 
Red Wine Audio Isabella
Hi Jeff, I thought that DAC boards arrived least that is what I am hearing. I am very interested in the first users report (honest report) and look forward to find someone in NY area to compare the two battery wonders and help me de... 
Top two channel pre w/HT passthrough XLR best
Not a bad idea Kennyt. It might save you money by making rational decision and careful auditions. Also addressing your needs to designers of gear that caught your attention will help you answer your questions and decide on the design that works fo... 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
I will second Butler recommendations, very nice amp. I am not the biggest fan of SS gear but I can see myself useing something like Butler or WFS amps. Preamps.....? I like Supratek, Blueberry, Dodd. Going all AR is another way to do it but I beli... 
RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered
Hi Ken, Dan has some fine well regarded products under his belt. One of my favorites is modified Sony 9100 ES universal CD/DVD/SACD player which sound great. It would be great addition to my rig and add state of the art multichannel playback capib... 
Red Wine Audio Isabella
Nate, I am curious just like you and would like to get more information in regards to both designs. As little as it is known about Isabella , even less we know about Dodd. If you compare the websites, Vinnie did better job getting as many details ... 
Red Wine Audio Isabella
In order to get objective opinions you will have to get independent group of audiophiles and perform blind test in at least two neutral systems. Not easy thing to do. Most fear of the outcome some are bias and others are pre-fix on their preferenc... 
A $2,500 system - what do you think?
Why not used gear?? Better value , better performence.I would get RWA integrated - 1K usedOmega Super Hemp - $1300 usedConsonance CD-120 Linear - $400 usedIt will take some time to find them at these prices but it is possible and performance of th... 
If money is not a problem
First, I would start with designing state of the art room. Hire a pro for acoustic treatment, sound proofing, best frq. respond and have the top speaker designers come up with the wining design to suit my needs and taste. Have custom amps build to...