
Responses from mrjstark

Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
I like Parasound Halo myself. Excellent SS amp for the money. 
Beloved equipment
My tubes are blushing. 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
Thanks for info .......I am getting new iPhone and was wondering if it will work with Wadia. 
Buying used vs. New
Some new - some store/show demo. If the piece is really expensive and/or speakers on used market that I would like to try........local pickup only. Same with sales.....if local buyer is among those interested in my offering - he wins even if I hav... 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
RickkDo not get me wrong....McCormack is an excellent is Butler. And no, Butler does not sound like true tube amp. However it is very well balanced, dynamic and not veiled or edgy like some poorly designed SS amps out there. I am not sure ... 
How do you clean tube pins?
Abe, too bad you did not like the story.However that is what happend to one guy who was going nuts about cleaning pins and suckets......and thought he knew everything. Since that day , he did not touched pins or suckets yet. If you feel it should ... 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Yea right. 
Anyone hear the new Prologue Eight CD Player?
It is good. Agree with the review......If you can get it used even better. Almost bought it but I am not missing it either. 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Bouncy, bouncy.......ahhhhhh,ohhhh that does it. ;)Your are killing me must be pissed......right??????? 
How do you clean tube pins?
Voodoo, meaning $150 for a tinny bottle of miracle product that some make money of poor naive souls. No names need to be mentioned. When I said "Steelwood" I was refering to my genius friend who used it and shorted his preamp. Very fine particular... 
How do you clean tube pins?
Well, use voodoo as well as magic clocks and report back to let us all know how great it sounds. :)CheersMariusz 
Thinking of upgrading speakers, any suggestions?
Seems like there are no such a speakers ......according to some.There is a pair of SP Tech Revelation MK III with Mundorf crossovers for 10K delivered.OrVandersteen 5A and Emerald Physics with seperate dedicated subs (X2) for dynamics out of this ... 
How do you clean tube pins?
Gold pins do not need any treatment. It is not required or recommanded. That is the reasone for gold plated pins.Whatever u use on standard pins make sure you remove ALL of the solution. Do not use steelwool or voodoo crap. Plain metal polish is f... 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
Hi Dave,Are you sure that only one set of pre-outs is active in HT mode? I have not tried this feature yet but I would think that both pre-out sets are active......I could be wrong though.If in fact that is the case there is always another way.If ... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Chap_cat, I think I have told you that allready (hear or privetly) to take speaker upgrade into your concideration while choosing new gear. Your system is going to be as good as your weakest link.I know your limitations $$$ and like I