
Responses from mrjstark

need help -- budget system for a friend....
Try Shanling MC-30 ($650 >750 used)integrated tube amp with build in CD player and Omega speakers ($450 > $750 used for smaller monitors)or Consonance Cyber 10 tube integrated $600 and Oppo universal player $100. 
Build me a system for my 11' by 15' room
Optional but recommendedTwo bass traps - $300Two Skyline RPG difusers - $200 Two absorbers - $50Speakers - Omega Max Hemps - $1500 usedAmp - Consonance Cyber 211 - $2500 usedCDP - Consonance Droplet 5.0 cdp with volume control - $1500for additiona... 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
One of the best CDP under 10K ? For me it's AMR CD77.Awesome! 
Lenco L75 setup and running - What Next?
Go to , planty info and guys to help you with your questions. I would start with heavy and stable new plinth add Rega 300 arm with Denon 103R cart and invest in quality step up transformer to squeeze the most out of demanding Denon... 
A Few Audio Truths I've Learned?
1.listen, try it home and listen some more. To answer the question : is this component for me or will this work with my gear.2. Not all great brands are great.3. Not all super expensive gear sound....expensive.4. Don't pay attention to ... 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
Dave, I am sure that you are a nice guy and everything. However I can not help but notice that your beloved Capri fits almost all requairements for the ultimate preamp = SS or Tube, sweet or clean sterile and in the same time it is very neutral an... 
$300 used preamp to match my rotel?
Stereo preamp???? 
Has anyone had success converting friends?
Yes, my best buddy. His competitive personality however sometimes gets the most of him. We have similar taste in gear....not so much in music though. Since we also work together.........most of our conversations are audio related. He bought his la... 
Recommend a small tube amp for bedroom use?
First of all let me make this clear.....I love tubes and there sure are many that would fit the bill. However , base on my experience with Red Wine Audio gear and your small foot print (and since it is for 2nd system in the bedroom) requirements ,... 
Best Power amps in $7000 range
Edge NL 10.1 - if you can find it used , would be in your price range. It is 225wpc if you need even more power.....well 12.1 is rated at 300wpc in 8 Ohms. It is list at around 20K , used might not be possible to find in your 
Usher 718BE or Dynaudio S1.4
The best advise that I can give you and one that may solve your problems is to find a dealer with large selection of speakers (in your case monitors). If you are lucky , he will let you swap them for a different pair if it is not to your tast. (It... 
RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered
Easy as ABC. It is plugged into AC outlet all the time (recommended by Gary). When switched OFF , it is in charge mode. When it is ON , power is cut off and it's in battery mode. No chance of over-charging and runs on batteries for a loooong time.... 
RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered
Coming soon - Exclusive comparison between DODD & RWA ISABELLA with build in Isabellina DAC. It is still few weeks away though. By the end of this month I will audition new Isabella preamp - Vinnie Rossi of Red Wine Audio new creation. Vinnie ... 
Recabling recommendations
I will second Krell_man on SS cables....especially PC. 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
Agree with Atmashere's description. Dark and laid back are two different things.