
Responses from mrjstark

AC power cords and martin Logans
Owning ML for 7years.Dedicated line, upgrated power outlets (PS but any will do the job), Kimber Kable 10 all made the difference. YMMV.Mariusz 
Time to change. But to what?
Truman,let me tell you a little story.I have heard CarderSound and loved it. No , I will not pay someone 10K if I can build it for 3.5K and with upgrated Lowther drivers (not Fostex). That was my plan. To make long story short, my Vandies went up ... 
good DAC , recommend plz and your reason?
I've heard won't like it....I initially (during CES 2008) thought that it might be worth looking is not. If pushed againts the wall, Benchmark is a better value and sounds on par or better. I know at least one owner ... 
good DAC , recommend plz and your reason?
RWA Isabellina usb, non-oversampling, non-upsampling nos DAC ($2500 new - 30 days money back garanty).Why - because it sounds like vinyl.I have heard quite a few DACs in my life (some were almost X3 the price of RWA DAC) and this one is the one I ... 
Upgrading from Supratek Pre to ?
I moved to Dodd Audio and then to Red Wine Audio Isabella preamp with Isabellina usb, nos dac build-in. I have used Mullards 6922 in both and loved it.RWA is just a bit warmer then Dodd preamp but its soundstage, image and "Vinyl" qualities with d... 
Upgrading from Supratek Pre to ?
Keep it if you really love it.......unless you want something different.......not nessecerly better. I've owned Supratek pre and loved it......moved to preamp that better suits my needs and taste. I think it should stop me from 
Best balanced signal cable
Very good suggestion Magfan.Mariusz 
Red Wine Audio Isabella
Both. ;) 
hooking up my cdp directly to amp?
Yes , you can use your CDP to amp directly.However, since your CDP doesn't have the volume control - the attenuator with volume control MUST be used.Here is the link to one: 
Red Wine Audio Isabella
Vinnie was kind enough to bring his La Scala monitors over to the August "Rave".(But away , the Isabella and Sig.30.2 on the picture are mine. :) )My initial impression is very positive. They do indeed work very well with RWA gear. Smooth, relaxed... 
what exactly is ht bypass
It is not difficult. All you need is the right preamp.And I would suggest getting the tube preamp with HT pass thru rather then using your processor. The only preamps (tube) that I owned that had this feature were Dodd Audio and Granite Audio. It ... 
Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?
I am a Vampire that lives on the Mapletree by the Granite tombstone. I enjoy the Red Wine with Apple and Blueberry. 
Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?
It all depends on the application, synergy and preferances.The goal is your satisfaction, not the trends to follow.IMHO - tube amps are more flexiable and easier to build. Good sounding SS amp is extremly difficult to design and work properly.Thos... 
Promitheus Ref TVC and RWA Sig 30.2 Power Amp
Buy used RWA integrated.If you need more gain - TVC or CIA passive will do. 
CD players with volume control for $1.5-2k used
Raysonic 128 + mods / Granite Audio - hard to find / Consonance Droplet or cheaper alternative Consonance Ref. 2.2 MK II.Raysonic is good for the money - however, stock version was never appealing to me (hights and overall presentation, not to my ...