
Responses from mrjstark

Advice requested on speakers
If you can afford 5As, I would say go for it.100wpc is more then enough for Vandys and AR is a well know preferences with these speakers.I would also like to touch on "in room placement flexibility" with an 11-band equalizer - standard feature on ... 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
Dudi, Dudi, Dudi........that is exactly what I thought about (originally) the digital playback.Hi-rez or not it is in the eyes of the beholder.I have heard top notch Hi-rez playback and plain old school non-oversampling/non-sampling DACs and they ... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
Hello Joe (Trelja)The pleasure was all mine.Meeting you in person was something I planed on for quite some time now. You are in fact a stand up guy and passionate audiophile. Besides, I like someone who speak his mind with out reservations and sug... 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
Dave , you have probably heard the buzz about those computer base player that cost an arm and a leg...If iPod , together with Wadia can accomplish pretty much the same results - why not at least try that.Since the iPod is basically a transport, th... 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
Chris is right:"In short, we need a "signature" version of the 170i. "I'll be willing to pay extra for "all out assault" Wadia iPod transport (iTransporter).---------------------------------------------------------------Dcstep,No I have not. I sup... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
Guys with know how and experience..........please.What drivers are IYO good candidates for "Single Driver" design? (and could you explain why?)Good, better , best?-------------------------------------------------------------Mapman is right , if yo... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
Of caurse I agree with you about the shortcoming in many speaker designs (electrostatics are no exception) and I have state that in one of my previous posts.As to your DIY assessment - "Single driver design for DIY might be not the best choice - i... 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
As silly as it may makes perfect sense.Would you be willing to take it even farther??????????If the answer is yes, follow this link to get the most out of your iTransporeter. I believe Audio Tone will have this version up for review... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
Mrtennis, Timrhu & ViridianFull range electrostatic speakers, definitely qualify as the "SD" design. The only reservation IMO (nothing is perfect) is:*Size - full range electrostats requires large panels*Require power - most (not all) will nee... 
Unexpected preamp needed- return policy important
The new mono design TVC is getting some very positive feedback from audiophiles who tried it. I am not sure about the return policy.Another option would be Bent Audio passive - based on TVC (have not heard it. But if it is as good or better then o... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
Oh yes,thanks to all.Duke & JohnK you are quite knowlodgble and all I can do is look up to you and pick your sneaky, dark, foxy ways.hahaha.CheersM.S 
Single driver speakers - opinions
1.Jean Hiraga in his new speaker prototype, using lagendary -Great Plains Audio's coaxial Altec Company (reissued)15" woofer and 1.75" compression driver in horn-loaded enclousure.Drivers are not cheap but not expensive either. Seems to generate q... 
Yes,......I realize that. love it or hate it.Because I do not use the vaseline or sugar .....makes me a bad guy now?????Being honest and frank isn't the it???If you like a sweat talk........I am not that guy.Sorry.RegardsMariusz 
Nothing personal - just tring to make a point."Respectable" source ??? - like what? ....and how many audiophiles' opinion is disregarded or pissed on based on their gear or limited budget....etc.....???Now - going back on topic.SACD in general do ... 
Help with setting up a laptop lp to cd burner
Great choice P.I was thinking of getting the same unit......looking forward to your impressions.Mariusz