
Responses from mrdecibel

The Belle Klipsch Project – Thank you!
Absolutely, between the crossovers and the doghouses, as I mentioned above. I miss my vinyl, for sure, but I was in it at such a high investment already, and still, always heard imperfections in the vinyl playback, it drove me nuts. Enjoy and be w... 
The Belle Klipsch Project – Thank you!
Yes, put as much Dynamat ( equally between pairs ) as you can, on the horns ( tweeters, woofer frames and between the crossovers and doghouses. ). Another area to improve, is to dampen the " bracket " at the driver end of the mid horn ( when music... 
Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)
I own in my collection, an RGR model 3 and a model 4 ( I had several RGRs, but sold those ). These sound, imo, very tube like. I did some mods on them, and for an inexpensive preamp ( sold for around $900 when they became available ), a good unit.... 
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?
Giving this some more thought ( not a whole lot, mind you ), adding upgraded power cables ( significant ime ), and moving the listening chair to a " near field " one, with re-positioning the main speakers, would be improvements.  
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?
1st, your room is the " busiest " room I have ever seen, and I have seen / been in / listened in, all kinds of rooms. Given you are restricted / preferred to combining 2 channel with home theater in one room, and you are pretty much enjoying what ... 
FUSES, Finally!?
The truth is folks, fuses in general, are bad for sound. They limit current, and are a band aid for the purpose of the protection of gear. This is the fact. As theaudiotweak pointed out with transformers, they produce mechanical vibration ( and ot... 
FUSES, Finally!?
@danvignau , Speakers or no speakers, amp chassis' have vibration and resonance, Do as I suggested, and live with it a while. You ears will tell you the truth. Do all of the fuses....I have my predictions...... 
FUSES, Finally!?
I believe in fuses, but because you have a lot to change, this is what I recommend. Better fuses have superior electrical characteristics as well as superior mechanical characteristics ( ime ). Before spending any money, do this : Remove each fuse... 
High end Class D amps?
@noble100 , I do not have any photos of equipment listed here under myself, so you must have mistakenly, someone else in mind. I have a chip amp ( gainclone ) on it’s way to me, and I am still interested in trying Class D. I do not pay attention t... 
High end Class D amps?
@atmasphere, I have not heard a recent Class D amp in my home, as of this time. What I have heard was not to my liking. I have tried a few " T " amps ( chip amps, for those who might not know ), and although was surprised, not to my liking. I woul... 
High end Class D amps?
@speakermaster, I have many of those amps you speak of. I want to try Class D, and judge for myself. 
High end Class D amps?
George, I totally agree 
High end Class D amps?
So, in a nutshell....I want to try a Class D amp. I am looking for 1, that can do all of the best things, tubes and solid state, do wonderfully ( I would say we all want this ). Black background, dynamic, fast and well tempo'd, neutral in tone, no... 
Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...
BTW, I switch out ( rotate ) amplifiers the way folks switch out tubes.  
Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...
I know how luscious tubes can sound, but give me good, clean, fast, noise free, reliable and consistent, class A ss, anytime ( and this is with horns ). Just my opinion, and just what I like. Nothing debatable, listen for yourself, and decide. I o...