
Responses from mrdecibel

McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
I cannot imagine this has not been mentioned, as I skimmed through the 1st page and came here. The definition of an audiophile is : An audiophile is a person who is enthusiastic about high fidelity sound reproduction. An audiophile seeks to reprod... 
Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???
John Dunlavy designed the Duntech line. For their time, they were excellent. I removed some ( not all ) of the fabric he had on the front panels. IMO, this opened them up, dramatically, for my ears.   
K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?
I have not heard the new Khorn other than in a corner, so I cannot say from my own listening experience, if they were to be excellent set up in free space, away from all walls and corners. But I speak to many Klipsch and Khorn owners ( I am talkin... 
K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?
I should also add, this is my findings with most speakers in corners.😞Sad, but true.   
K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?
@kren0006 The Lascala ( and the no longer available Belle ) can fit in a corner, but in all of my years experience with them, corner placement causes mudiness, boominess, creates overhang in the bass output and timing, and, the dog house ( Klipsch... 
I have some Magnepan MGIIb's. Giving them away for free.
Thank you bachiano, I am looking forward to it, and to always meeting another enthusiast.   
Nuforce STA200
Well, I have been rotating amps in my collection, to determine which I should sell, and which to keep. I am still amazed, listening with the Nuforce STA 200 in my system. I cannot complain about it, tear it apart, want for anything. It does not ha... 
K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?
Although the newest Khorn has a fully enclosed bass horn, it allows the Khorn to be out " a bit " from the corner, and you can adjust the toe in to the listening seat. However, they still use the corners to get the optimum balance out of them. Do ... 
I have some Magnepan MGIIb's. Giving them away for free.
Hey, I too am in CF. Can you PM me ?  
JBL L112
A nice pair of L112s ( California ) just sold on USAM with an asking price of $300. for the pr. I owned a pair for a while and were very enjoyable....with the right amplifier. They required lots of current, ime,   
Looking forward to reviews by consumers ( there has been 1 amazing review so far by Jeff Dorgay ) on the new Prima Luna EVO 300 Floyd Design Integrated. Tube preamp stage, ss output stage. For my own wants, desires and needs, with my music listeni... 
Mapleshade-Pierre Sprey
Late to this very sad news. RIP Pierre. Met him several times and had a few conversations with him ( all about music ).1st time I met Pierre, I was the " demo guy " for the Jadis brand at the ’96 Stereophile show at the NY Waldorf. My buddy and a ... 
Has anyone compared the Heresy to new KLH model 5?
I am a Klipsch Heritage guy. Have you damped the horns ( mids and tweets ) and the woofer baskets ? Crossover, too. Cleans them up considerably. Heresy IIs can use subwoofer help with the lowest octave. Without reading review after review, are you... 
Does anyone have any experience with the LSA VT70? Thoughts, comparisons??
I believe Mark Schifter has paid his dues, and has suffered enough. Let's keep to the topic please. TY  
Owners of Carver Crimson 275 -Caution/Warning--Potential Increased Risk of Electric Shock
So, the 3rd prong on the ac connector is not grounded ( Crimson 275 ) ? Can someone, with the technical knowledge, explain how this is different to the hot wired 2 prong wire / plug we used to have on older components, before the iec inlet and the...