
Responses from motown-l

The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
During high school (1969-1973), I was working at an appliance store that sold a decent range of audio equipment. I purchased an inexpensive system just before starting college. It consisted of a Pioneer SX-525 receiver, some lower end KLH 2 way sp... 
Should Amps be plugged into a power conditioner?
From the info in the preceding posts, it would appear that plugging my amp directly into the mains socket would be preferable. Unfortunately, my mid-century home has ungrounded circuitry in most areas, including my listening space. When the amp is... 
Stolen property
Did they come from the back of a white van?  
Throw it out!
I am fortunate to have a New/Used store near by. I have found that some of my "losers" generate enough value to pick up something new (or used, but new to me). The ones that are just plain crap are donated to Salvation Army and end up next to Mont... 
Which Vintage CD Player To Use As A Transport?
I am using a Rotel CD 591 that was gifted to me. Using the Digital coax to a Cambridge Audio CXA 81 internal DAC. It's a bullet proof transport. I do use the internal DAC of the Rotel on the very few HDCD's that I have. I have also had positive ex... 
"Happy To Be Stuck With You!!!"
The only component of my system that I plan on keeping until one of us dies is my Velodyne SPL 1000 sub (1st generation). I bought it new in 2000 and have used it in 2 channel and HT applications to great success. Unfortunately, my resto-mod 1978 ... 
Mid-Fi, Hi-Fi or.....?
I consider myself to be a mere stereo enthusiast as I either don't have or am unwilling to invest the money it takes to be a true audiophile. That being said, I have what I'm sure would be considered a mid-fi integrated despite being class B rated... 
Moving Magnet Phono Cartridges
I had been using a 1980"s Audio Technica 112SX with a NOS Shibata stylus. Great detail and soundstage, but fatiguing after a while. Just replaced it with a Goldring E3 which Stereophile gave a Class B rating and is under $200. I imagine the new E4... 
Speaker Spikes - Working Principle
My listening space is on a slab, covered with a vinyl laminate. My speaker stands are on elastomer feet, no spikes. Based on how the floor isn't suspended and concrete is pretty dead acoustically, not using spikes works in my environment.  
Anyone listen to Music on a FM tuner anymore?
I was gifted a Luxman T-450, a few years ago. It's not as good as the Sansui TU-717, I had back in the day, but it's a very nice, all original, fully analog tuner. In the Detroit area, there are still some very high quality broadcast FM stations. ... 
Why do people like reel to reel players?
I always wanted a RTR deck. Preferably with 10 inch reels and huge level meters. The only real use I can see for a RTR deck is to record digital music sources into analog. Kind of like an analog buffer. Of course anything other than 1/2 track reco... 
Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?
Tip 1: System synergy. I found this to be more important than expensive cables, room treatment and dollars invested. The key being amp and speakers.  Tip 2: Try not to demonize those with whom you disagree. Anger and resentment shorten your life.... 
Do I Need a Dedicated Streamer?
BTW, thank you yage for the links. Very helpful.    
Do I Need a Dedicated Streamer?
I am using a PC for streaming, mostly due to budget constraints. The PC is hooked to the router/modem via ethernet cable. The PC sends the stream, via USB, to the internal DAC of the AMP (Cambridge Audio CXA 81). I have also installed a jitter fil... 
Do you adjust your subwoofer
I fiddle with my 2 channel system sub's settings constantly. Different recordings have varying amounts of bass and analog sources require different output than digital sources. I wish my old Velodyne had a remote.