
Responses from motown-l

Moderately priced audio
My main 2 channel system set me back about $3500. It took many years of swapping, selling, buying and research to get to this point. I love to listen to music and generally play around with my audio "stuff", but, I think I have maxed out the budge... 
Where do cables upgrades have the most impact?
I switched RCA analog interconnects on my FM tuner and couldn't believe the difference from inexpensive Acoustic Research cables ($15 or so) to some entry level Audioquests ($35 or so). Not night and day, but noticeable. Same when I de-soldered th... 
Modestly priced bookshelf speakers for cabin.
1. Cheap good speakers - picked up a pair of used Acoustic Energy Ageis 1's for $70 on CL. Paradigm Atom Monitors are discontinued. About $250/pr. NIB. Very efficient will fill room with 25 WPC. 2. Hook up sub woofer via RCA's to "Tape Out" on vin... 
Jazz for aficionados
If Charles Mingus had been working in the 19th Century, he would have composed symphonies comparable to Beethoven. Complex multi-tiered compositions that remain approachable and engaging. Pure genius. Despite being over played and much covered, th... 
3 way tie - Etta James, Big Mama Thornton and Nina Simone. 
With Internet radio, (streaming) do AM\FM tuners serve any purpose in HEA?
I am very fortunate to have several high quality FM stations in my area. I have a late 70's, fully analog tuner (not digitally synthesized) that sounds so much better than when I stream the same stations through my component network streamer. I do... 
Best bookshelf speakers
I have the final version of the Paradigm Titan Monitors. They sound similar to the current Mini Monitor v.7. Very wide soundstage and good imaging for a smaller standmount. They can sound too forward with certain electronics. 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
I mis-wrote. I meant the Pioneer PL 650. The 670 is a more recent P-mount low-ish end table. 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
Back in the late 70's, I was selling audio. We had some decent DD tables. Among my favorites were the Marantz 6300's and it's successor the 6350. Both were beautifully built and finished and featured an end of record auto lift/shut off. The usual ... 
Bands with great second albums
I'm pretty sure Tom Petty's "Damn the Torpedoes" was his sophomore effort. Better than the 1st, to me. 
For those of us over 60..
Hmm...I took a look at the original post and it asked " What band's output would you say best describes you/your life as you see it?" Most of the replies indicated what the reader liked to listen to, which is cool. I enjoy seeing what others like... 
What were your humble beginnings on the path to high end audio?
My first stereo was a Pioneer SX-525, a cheapo Garrard idler drive and a pair of KLH 2 ways (maybe 7's or 11's, can't remember). I went through a broad range of upgrades and swaps, over the years including a 10 year stretch of no audio equipment (...