Responses from motokokusanagi
What amp to drive a pair of Scan-Speak 32W 32W/4878T? If crossing very low, I see absolutely no reason to avoid digital amps for subs, rather the opposite, so why not try your QSC? Equally, what would be wrong with plate amps here? I’d get the highest rated Hypex Fusions in your budget. I think the b... | |
Dutch & Dutch 8c Loudspeakers Reading the spec sheet, inputs are analogue XLR and digital AES. Easy connection options to a computer would be a Mac compatible USB DAC with balanced analogue XLR outputs (e.g. Mytek Brooklyn), or a Mac compatible USB-SPDIF digital converter with... | |
Joseph audio perspectives, magico a3, ATC scm40 v2 I was considering getting the ATC p2 amp and pair with ATC scm40 v2. How do you feel this p2+atc40 passives would stack up against the atc40a? The atc40a is a bit pricer than the passives combo though.. Since I can only find new ones of them wh... | |
Snell vs PSB One of the oldest necros I’ve ever seen (12 years), on top of linking a review from 20 years ago! Hopefully the OP has settled their inquiry by now. | |
Joseph audio perspectives, magico a3, ATC scm40 v2 @yuhengdu_tiger I think you are fighting two battles at once: room acoustics and speakers. No matter what speakers you choose, your room size and placement constraints close to boundaries create issues in terms of room modes and resonances. Seriou... | |
best used floorstanding speakers under 5k that has small footprint A good amp is a must for all ATCs. Upgrading your power amp or biamping might be a real option if that’s one of your issues. The ATC P1 and P2 power amps (and the SIA2-150 integrated) are great matches to the passive speakers, and come with the li... | |
Zaph SR71 kit with concrete baffle Very interesting. Are you going to make the drivers flush mounted? You’d want to avoid all recesses and gaps from the driver cutouts to the oak rings on the photo as it is, to avoid diffraction artifacts. | |
best used floorstanding speakers under 5k that has small footprint It’s hard to find speakers with mids similar to the ATCs except by going up the line. What improvements are you hoping to get over the SCM40s? More bass for the same footprint? Probably unlikely without a bigger cabinet.Things I’d look into are ad... | |
Tidal vs ATC There's no way to make a good decision without audition, preferably at your place, with your gear. There's absolutely no way it would be safe to travel anywhere to audition speakers; not until this pandemic is over, which could be months...If 300... | |
Totem Arro Replacement Sounds like everything’s (room, system) nailed on, except budget right now. I used to have the i225 and am familiar with some of your other gear. I don’t think $650-700 would bring the change needed new (or even used, looking at what’s out there).... | |
Totem Arro Replacement I’m reading that you enjoy listening at higher levels than the Arros are comfortable. 4.5" single midbass drivers are a real constraint here. Port chuffing means the box was tuned too low, or the vent was too small. Again, the Arro’s box volume ju... | |
Near field speaker setup As well as good room placement, the coaxial drivers of the KEFs also contribute acoustically to nearfield listening | |
More Dynamic Speakers Than Vienna Acoustic Features to look for would be higher sensitivty 88-89db or better (to work with your tube amp) and bluntly, something with more surface area than the 5.5" bass drivers of your VAs. Say 6.5" min; to go lower and have more punch in the midbass. Woul... | |
Active Not powered stand mount loudspeaker recommendations ATC SCM20ASL Pro | |
Stand-mount speaker/monitor recommendation Must you be bound to standmounts vs floorstanders that have the same footprint? If not, then would suggest the Living Voice Auditorium range. |