
Responses from mordante

phono amp +/- €1500
@PeterayerI have been keeping my eye open for a Pass Xono. But I think that in Europe they are much more more expensive then in the US. From what I have seen a second hand Xono will cost about €2500. 
phono amp +/- €1500
Right now I use the inbuild phono stage of my Symphonic Line La Musica integrated amp. 
How will you split $3000 between phono and cart ?
Could you do a (mini) review of that phono stage? Please. 
Top big-name monitors current versions .
Of these speakers I have heard the 805D, Mani-2 and Diablo. I loved to Mani-2 IMHO one of the best monitor speakers there is. Also, I forgot the exact model but I heard some Von Schweikert monitor that also wasn't bad. Pesonally I would also check... 
the perfect tonearm
If I were to spend $2000 on a tone arm I would buy the Balance Audio Aeris. 
Pop noise from turntable when power-off the unit.
I own a VPI Scout and always change the input on my amp before I turn of the motor of my Scout. 
Philips vinyl pressings - France vs. Holland?
New pressings from the Netherlands, Record Industry Haarlem seem to be varying in quality. 
Pass 250.5 shuts down driving Magnepan 3.7
@MagfanSo what turned out to be the problem? 
Finally saved 3000 what is a good setup.
If you have a PC or Laptop I would use that as the source. Then buy a something like a Cambridge DacMagic a good integrated amp and spend the rest on you speaker. My budget would be:USB DAC $500 (Dac magic, W4S Dac1 etc)integrated amp $1000 (Sugde... 
VPI bearing oil/grease?
Sorry for necro-ing this thread. But have a more or less the same question. I own a VPI Scout and lately I have noticed that it isn't running so smooth anymore. So it is time for some maintenance I guess.I was adviced to use Telfon oil for the pla... 
Have I mismatched my preamp/amp?
Because Pass publishes the designs he uses. So people can copy/clone them.I'm not saying Pass amps are not good. In fact they are one of the best I ever heard. But that doesn't make them unique in design. 
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range
MASTER AUDITION new or Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 5.1.But there are so many speaker in that price range that any advice is hard. 
Have I mismatched my preamp/amp?
Unsound. Most of the designs by Pass are not that unique as some people think they are. I have spoken with some electronic engineers and according to them most of his designs are just text book. Like 99.9% of all amp designs. 
"Neutral/Clear Amp vs. Dark Amp"
I have heard Ayre in multiple systems. Most of them sounded veiled or dark. Not that they are bad amps but they are certainly not the most neutral. 
Sutherland 20/20 Experience & Thoughts
Having it reviewed doesn't mean it is actually selling. I know a distributor who tried to get/buy a 20/20. After trying for a long time without result he gave up on the brand.