Responses from moose89
what is the best Kt88 to get I just received a Cary SLI-80 amp. It has (2) Genalex Gold Lion tubes with a mixed quad. They have “brown ringlet”circles on them? Why? can I risk damaging my amp by purchasing (2) more to make (4) KT88 GL quad? I don’t have a tube tester. Does ... | |
Tube tester? Jerry good advice thank you | |
DecWare 300B amp I ordered the 25 th Anniversary model. Two year wait. Hoping I’m still above ground to listen on my Cornwall fours. | |
Tube Amp with a Preamp and Headphone Jacks Thank you very much for your input on headphone jacks on a tube amp and those dedicated to headphones only. I have a Drop AAA 789. It is quick SS. | |
Tube sound: Tung Sol KT 120 vs KT 88 Thank you a lot for your response SL I 80 integrated amp with headphone jack. My output tubes are Svelvania 6550 quad. And I am running Cornwall fours. the other tubes are Genelex Gold Lion 6922’s, EH 6SN7’s, with some Tung Sol USA rectifiers ord... | |
Tube sound: Tung Sol KT 120 vs KT 88 Thank you a lot for your response SL I 80 integrated amp with headphone jack. My output tubes are Svelvania 6550 quad. And I am running Cornwall fours. the other tubes are Genelex Gold Lion 6922’s, EH 6SN7’s, with some Tung Sol USA rectifiers ord... | |
Using Musical Paradise SET amp with Klipsch Cornwall IV Thanks Roxy. I agree | |
Cornwall IV and subwoofers SVS Micro 3000 good job. Easy to adjust. Solid 500W playing two directions. No more MUDDY bass because you can use the BEST gauge:YOUR ears, which differ from mine! Lol | |
Tubes and GAIN on Cary Rom-808 Thank you! | |
Headphones I’ve been real happy Balanced DROP Focal Elex teamed up with DROP AAA 789 headphone amp… good place to draw the line. | |
Klipsch La Scala replacement? I elevated the Klipsch Heresy 4’s to TV Tray height… they have the same midrange horns and crossovers as the La Scalas … teamed up with the SVS Micro 3000, and my Cary Tube Amp. There’s just nowhere higher to go, for me. | |
Power cable dilemma Just get a UPS ADC from Amazon or Staples. You’ll see a huge difference. Then… you’re running DC from a battery. Clarity like never before. Any IC. | |
I have found out why new cables and tweaks actually work! Since signal is carried OUTSIDE the cable… voila! | |
Experience with Cary CAD 808, "Rocket 88" Jump up to the Klipsch Heresy iv. Rocket is the bomb. Made for each other. Triode mode. Distinction. You hear everything. Warmer. | |
Which Solid State amplifier would you recommend for my budget? I have the Nelson Pass Nakamichi PA –7 for sale. Hard to beat. Built like a tank. Sounds fantastic at 200 wants per channel. Nashville $1350 |