

Responses from moose89

what is the best Kt88 to get
I just received a Cary SLI-80 amp. It has (2) Genalex Gold Lion tubes with a mixed quad. They have “brown ringlet”circles on them? Why? can I risk damaging my amp by purchasing (2) more to make (4) KT88 GL quad? I don’t have a tube tester. Does ... 
Tube tester?
Jerry good advice  thank you  
DecWare 300B amp
I ordered the 25 th Anniversary model. Two year wait. Hoping I’m still above ground to listen on my Cornwall fours.   
Tube Amp with a Preamp and Headphone Jacks
Thank you very much for your input on headphone jacks on a tube amp and those dedicated to headphones only. I have a Drop AAA 789. It is quick SS.  
Tube sound: Tung Sol KT 120 vs KT 88
Thank you a lot for your response SL I 80 integrated amp with headphone jack. My output tubes are Svelvania 6550 quad. And I am running Cornwall fours. the other tubes are Genelex Gold Lion 6922’s, EH 6SN7’s, with some Tung Sol USA rectifiers ord... 
Tube sound: Tung Sol KT 120 vs KT 88
Thank you a lot for your response SL I 80 integrated amp with headphone jack. My output tubes are Svelvania 6550 quad. And I am running Cornwall fours. the other tubes are Genelex Gold Lion 6922’s, EH 6SN7’s, with some Tung Sol USA rectifiers ord... 
Using Musical Paradise SET amp with Klipsch Cornwall IV
Thanks Roxy. I agree  
Cornwall IV and subwoofers
SVS Micro 3000 good job. Easy to adjust. Solid 500W playing two directions. No more MUDDY bass because you can use the BEST gauge:YOUR ears, which differ from mine! Lol  
Tubes and GAIN on Cary Rom-808
Thank you!  
I’ve been real happy Balanced DROP Focal Elex teamed up with DROP AAA 789 headphone amp… good place to draw the line.   
Klipsch La Scala replacement?
I elevated the Klipsch Heresy 4’s to TV Tray height… they have the same midrange horns and crossovers as the La Scalas … teamed up with the SVS Micro 3000, and my Cary Tube Amp. There’s just nowhere higher to go, for me.   
Power cable dilemma
Just get a UPS ADC from Amazon or Staples. You’ll see a huge difference. Then… you’re running DC from a battery. Clarity like never before. Any IC.    
I have found out why new cables and tweaks actually work!
Since signal is carried OUTSIDE the cable… voila!  
Experience with Cary CAD 808, "Rocket 88"
Jump up to the Klipsch Heresy iv. Rocket is the bomb. Made for each other. Triode mode. Distinction. You hear everything. Warmer.   
Which Solid State amplifier would you recommend for my budget?
I have the Nelson Pass Nakamichi PA –7 for sale. Hard to beat. Built like a tank. Sounds fantastic at 200 wants per channel. Nashville $1350