Responses from moose89
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? Crutchfield rep said that also: “Can you really HEAR the difference?” …and who would WANT to? And then… more confusing decisions to have to make, and the comparisons are always on different canvases. I think that it’s all about the looks of ma... | |
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? Thanks. Yep. Streaming with Bluesound Node is so good, (and I have a Preset Remote), which is a quick grab, makes streaming like having a juke box! Bam! Got mostly 60’s stations and clarity from Australian and German stations is free and clear! ... | |
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? I agree. Bluesound Node. Sounds too good to waste $$ on DACs that don’t include ARC HDMI | |
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? It’s easy for me to learn and get more confused. I DO have a Marantz 2226b in the closet. Integrated Receiver. It’s got some Pre Amp possible U HOOKS on the back, ins and outs… maybe? | |
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? Thanks. Yes, my NODE is my systems’PreAmp/StreamerDAC as well. Neither my Cary Tube Rocket 88 Amp, nor my Marantz MM7025 Amp, have AUX inputs. I currently run BALANCED to the NODE, whose DAC has been better than most. So, I won’t be grabbing an ex... | |
AMP STRAIN : Balanced vs RCA Thanks. Needed to hear this. Be blessed. Good points! | |
AMP STRAIN : Balanced vs RCA I have Navy electrician associates that can only laugh at all this cable stuff. Their comment is that the tiniest of wiring is connectors INSIDE an amp, and that it’s truly crazy to think big robustness on the EXTERIOR is any improvement. | |
AMP STRAIN : Balanced vs RCA Thanks. What is CMRR? | |
Balanced a good decision. Why? Thanks y’all. I’m going 3’ into a Bluesound Node R/L channel, DAC internal, as well as Analog out, Sub out, Optical out, HDMI eArc, Optical in/Analog ( mini jack to Toslink Adaptor)…. Backside ports. well, I have a 3’ Silver Balanced cable (comi... | |
Tube Amp question:TUBE replacements: explain MATCHED? What are SLM’s? | |
Tube Amp question:TUBE replacements: explain MATCHED? Y’all are great! Yes, I ordered the plug-ins and accompanying meter from $120. and I’m hoping there are some reasonable NOS quads for output. I’ll wait til we get past our newest tragedy distraction in our political world, and like... | |
Soltek Tubes Yes. My bad! Thank you: SOVTEK | |
Klipsch RP-600 M Vs My Vintage JBLs Thanks! Got ‘em ordered. | |
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls.... If you get the Bluesound Node, you will have all the controls of sound in your iOS just like your SVS sub control… all at your fingertips in your listening position. Technology! And the DAC is wonderful. | |
Bookshelf speakers with a tube amp? Yep. I’m blown away right now. This Cary is just so sweet in Triode mode with these Boston speakers, a great Henry Kloss, (Advent) engineer. I didn’t notice the UL/TRIODE switched difference with the Forte… but to think these bookshelf pair cost m... |