Responses from moose89
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions @decooney yes. Converted single garage on a raised Peco wooden floor with a space between the cement and floating floor. Room is 20 x 12, listening space is 12 x 12, and ceilings 9’. triangle is accurate, and one speaker is in a corner, and I ha... | |
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions Warmth and soundstage | |
External DAC? I will always have DETAIL with Klipsch… so… maybe I want musical? No fatigue type? | |
External DAC? Thanks. The Cary was last played months ago… and you would think so right? waiting for the Fall. I add this: Yes, I have the latest addition to the Bluesound node, I guess third generation, prior to the most recent anniversary X additio... | |
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions Under $1000 | |
External DAC? Wow. Please continue. And THANK YOU! I have a climate problem where I live and I have a small man cave, which is great for listening with a floating floor. Lots of sound absorption. And I have a Cary SL I 80 amp,heating my room in the winter time... | |
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first? Klipsch all the way. And save your money on needs for power. | |
Bluesound Powernode I had to return the Powernode to the Seller. Too much quirkiness. It was switching the presets on its own, from the HDMI eARC back to radio stations, and giving bad feedback, sound ominous, as I listened. I switched my mind set from thinking abou... | |
The Marantz Model 15 Amp Recently: NAD C316BEE amp and very pleased matched up with Bluesound Node …SVS Micro 3000 SUB, and Cornwall HERITAGE IVs … a slight TURNBACK of the Treble knob on the NAD amp is amazingly effective t to the warmth and smoothness of the Treble…no ... | |
Bluesound Powernode Yes. Totally agreed. You know, I have both the Node and the Powernode. Powernode is not playing integrated power, as speakers are directly connected. I hear better separation, detail and bass. When the Node runs more so as a preamp, interconnects ... | |
The Marantz Model 15 Amp I was blessed to sell my Heresy IV’s, and now I have my Cornwall IV’s. I guess it’s time to let my Marantz 2226 go. | |
The Marantz Model 15 Amp Waytomuchstuff- i wish I had the gumption to do this BUT it’s playing so well recently received… the bias was set… I wish I could but it’s an endeavor… hoping I can get my 2226 RED STEREO LAMP wire in there safely. Never done it. Blue LEDs have b... | |
Top two most important sound qualities I like to be able to receive from my Cornwalls… as in be able to LISTEN, as opposed to HEAR. I’m lucky in that I can listen in my small space… not having to battle room issues, acoustics, and the obstacles of having TOO MUCH. Too much power, too m... | |
Hooking up MARANTZ MODEL 15 without a PREAMP? Ok thanks | |
Hooking up MARANTZ MODEL 15 without a PREAMP? There are NO INPUTS on the MARANTZ |