
Responses from montaldo

EAR 834p mods - specific mods, specific sounds?
Thanks guys! I decided to hold on the mods until I try a Joule OPS-1 MkIV I just bought. If that isn't the ticket I will report back. 
Fidelity Research 64s vs Jelco SA-750e
This is great feedback! Exactly what I had hoped for. Karl_Desch, what a break for me that you have experience with both of these with a  Koetsu. Thanks so much. 
Fidelity Research 64s vs Jelco SA-750e
Great thoughts. Thank you. I had not thought about the weight of the ard the Sota suspension! Good warning... 
Tube amp for Verity Audio Parsifal Encore?
I meant to also ask about OTL amps. I have never owned one but not sure any would be considered "warm." I have read that Atma might be closer to rich balance than, say, Tenor. 
Amp for SF Amati Homage? Rogue Zeus or 180, Jadis Defy 7, Quicksilver 88 or 90 or M-135
The only thing I worry about with ARC or BAT is the possibility that the top early won't be warm enough. I really don't like amps that are referred to as neutral or detailed, in the typical HiFi vernacular. And i have a long-held prejudice against... 
Amp for SF Amati Homage? Rogue Zeus or 180, Jadis Defy 7, Quicksilver 88 or 90 or M-135
No sorry... I am looking for a tube power amp, not an integrated. 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Amati Homage?
Invocrus005, are you  recommending devaliet for the Amati because you have heard it with the Amati?Also I am looking for tube amps only. 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
Thanks zipost. I appreciate your specifics. Perfect bass is less of a priority for me so we will see. Luckily I have not bought the Cary's yet so I get a free listen ;)  If they don't work I will look at more beefy push pull designs. 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
George I think we are ships passing in the night. I will stop trying to rephrase my question. Thanks for your time anyway! 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Amati Homage?
I really prefer the sound of all tube amplifiers, preferably kt88, el34, 300b  or similar sound. Are there any that come to mind that could be had for less than $4K used?Thanks 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
That's not quite what I meant George. What I was asking is whether in 100% of the cases an apparent mismatch in impedance and Power between amp and speakers  results in degradation of the musical experience. I realize that speaker design is a comb... 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
I used to have ja-30...  They are fantastic. Thanks for the idea. 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
Mac 275? Is that the likely suspect? If so I've heard mixed things about certain versions... any special version you would recommend? 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
Thanks lostbears. I am okay with the bass being a tad flabby so I don't mind using less power. My priority is avoiding any etch/brightness, and having a relatively rich balance with a weighty midrange. George's point about impedance mismatch was c... 
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
Wow thanks George. The gentleman I bought the Amati's from used it will 805s for 20 years. But maybe he just couldn't hear the problems.Does the math ever not manifest in overall presentation? Is this really an open and shut case?