
Responses from mofojo

DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??
I was reminded tonight how much a dac makes a difference! I’m using a Naim Nac 272 as preamp streamer. I moved my system upstairs and was using the Naim as a Dac. It sounded fine for the last few weeks but wasn’t really moving me and I wasn’t list... 
Bose buys McIntosh
Wow!! Didn’t see that one coming! At least not bought out by the Chinese I guess.  I haven’t heard a new Mac in 15 years or so but if you can’t make a DAMN fine sounding amp for thousands of dollars you’re doing something wrong.   
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say?
If they ask for honest critique I would give it to them.   
Help me find my ideal Stereo Integrated Amp
Lyngdorf tdia3400 worth looking into.   
30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers?
That said I am also with others if they need some work I would not put much into them if anything.  
30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers?
Crossovers can last waaayyy more than 15 years. Hell I just sold a 50 year old sansui 9500 that would put the majority of integrated amps under 5k to shame. I know it’s not a speaker. Original caps other than a few small input caps replaced. If th... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
Pass XA30.5 to my ears is the best I’ve owned. Detailed and layered with great tonality. Refuses to be clinical or piercing which I appreciate.   
TALK Amplifier Tornado 2.1 ....A BUZZ Sound
Not going to hurt your speakers. I would float the ground with a cheater plug and see if it goes away.   
Component matching expertise - how do you do it?
Gear by the same manufacturer is probably going to have great synergy. Although I have not followed that advice.   
What exactly is PRaT???
PRAT to me is a little something. Doesn’t take much in the upper mid bass. Punch 🤛 .   
Speakers for Gryphon Diablo 120
Klipsch and Focal are crappy speakers?? lol.    Focals are amazing especially the further up the chain you get. Klipsch as well although the ceiling is lower for me. Never heard a Jubilee.   
Pass labs krell parasound amps
Curious why you think you need 250-300 watts? Your speakers are 90db efficiency.  I would think a high current 100watt amp would be more than you would ever need.   
Pass labs krell parasound amps
Coming recently from a Benchmark AHB2 with the same speakers that did that “screech” very often.   
Pass labs krell parasound amps
I’ve had Parasound A21, Krell 250s, and now have a Pass XA30.5. Different speakers for all 3 so grain of salt. The 30.5 is the most satisfying amp I’ve owned. Krell and Parasound were both also really good but the Pass is just so liquid but still ... 
Using biwired cables on speakers with only 2 connections
If it made an audible difference and probably doesn't, it would still drive me nuts having the 2 ends flopping in the breeze. I would do what do what @audphile1 suggested and get the banana to spade adaptors. Also you won't need to cut up your goo...