

Responses from mofimadness

I.Q. Speakers from Germany
Looks like they are IQ TED400.http://www.hifi-wiki.de/index.php/IQ_TED_400(you’ll need to translate the page. Pictures are at the bottom) 
What direction is VPI headed?
What have ya’ll found to be an improvement over the stock isolation springs in the HW-19 (all iterations)? Herbie’s dots, SIMS Navcom Silencers, Sorbothane spheres, cones, anything DIY, etc. I have tried just about everything. My favorite are the... 
What direction is VPI headed?
I have enjoyed this table for over 20 years.  If properly setup, with the proper arm, I believe it still competes with the finest today whether made by VPI or others. +1 In discontinuing the original SAMA and replacement parts for the HW-19 an... 
The World’s Most Remote Record Store, And Other Cool Stats
I used to use that phone app when it first came out, but haven't done used it in years. Me too!  I haven't even thought about that APP until I read your comment.  It was called "The Vinyl District". 
Sanders 10e
I concur. Amazing sound stage, but hard on your neck. :) I really wish Roger had considered a way to improve that He did.  He invented the curved electrostatic panel, but didn't like the result.Gayle and Ron took that design and ran with it. 
Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie
I have a lot of the CV4003s from Upscale.  They used to be $35 each for the Platinum Grade.  These are the ones that I've had no problems with.  I've used them in DACs, preamps, phono stages, all over.I also have several other types of Mullard 12A... 
Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie
1. Most preamp tubes will last 3000-5000 hours. Some are speced out to 10,000 hours, so there are exceptions.2. 40-50 hours, there are exceptions.3. Depends on how the circuit is designed and how the tube(s) are implemented within that circuit. Tu... 
Help me solve a mystery
Did you check the binding posts to make sure they are soldered well?  Just flex the binding post a little to see if it makes, then breaks the connection. 
Help me solve a mystery
Sounds to me that you might have a loose connector somewhere. Every time you "move" something, you are also flexing all the cables. I would check all the connections on the cables themselves, then move on to what they connect to, i.e. the componen... 
New Rega RP6
@slaw...sorry for the confusion.  The OP posted this on 12-12-2011 about the "then" new RP6, which didn't have the foam plinth.Your comments above are about the "brand new" Planar 6.  Since the original post was about the RP6, I just wanted to cla... 
CEC TL5 Belt Drive CD Transport
I've had so many different transports in my system, I've lost count.  The one I kept was the CEC TL-2.  IMHO, the CEC transports are one of the best you can buy. 
New Rega RP6
@slaw...the new Planar 6 has the foam core plinth.  This thread is pretty old and talks about the older RP6.  Different tables.The new Planar 6 is sweet!  I've setup a couple of them. 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Again, your name "defiantboomerang" pretty much says it all. "Damn it Jim, he keeps coming back"  :-) 
Sentimental song.
This time of year..."The Monster Mash"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2PoSljk8cEAlso a seasonal favorite:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkplPbd2f60 
MONO cartridge recommendation
I have the Ortofon 2M Mono SE and love it!  Got it back when the Beatles set came out.  I did find one just now on Ebay from William Thakker from Germany.  I've bought quite a few things from him.  Good seller.I also have an Audio Technica AT-Mono...