

Responses from mofimadness

Malcolm Young......
We lost another one.  This year has been tragic.R.I.P. Malcolm 
Need recommendations for inexpensive power cord
+2 Signal Cable 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
lew...Ralph states above: If however, the preamp is properly designed and is stable with RFI, then the loading resistor will be found to have no effect. and Our preamps are stable so no loading is needed. but you are saying it does have an eff... 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
If however, the preamp is properly designed and is stable with RFI, then the loading resistor will be found to have no effect. Ralph...thank you!  I have always considered myself pretty much an expert on vinyl disk systems, but I never knew tha... 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
Generally, if you're loading at X ohms and its sounds a bit dull/lifeless/bass heavy that way, try higher loading to get it to even out a bit. Alternatively, if you're loading at Y ohms and its sounds a bit too sparkly/tinny/HF heavy, then try ... 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
Negligable or... important? No.  I'd leave it as is and see how it sounds.  Absolutely will not hurt anything. 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
Outside of doing harm to the components, would there be any detrimental effect on the sound if I were to go outside of the manufacturers recommended specs? No.  Just as analogluvr stated above, sometimes you just need to try it and listen.Also,... 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
I've had very good luck with new production Chinese tubes.  The Shuguang and Psvane tubes are excellent. 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
In theory I should be able to change the resistors to alter the load but I am worried that going beyond the recommended value would harm the pre amp/head amp. I've never heard of this kind of change ever harming a preamp or head amp.  All you ... 
Non Authorized Martin Logan Dealers
but a decent brick and mortar business with any kind of service, facilities, staff and return on invested capital will imo struggle with 35% off on a flagship brand such as this Totally agree!  However, a smaller store, (like all the ones I've ... 
Lyra Delos - Dirt Build up on the cantilever
I’ve been in this business for a really long time. I want to reiterate how much I totally praise both Jonathan and Alasdair. Two of the finest gentlemen in this biz we call high-end audio. 
Non Authorized Martin Logan Dealers
define decent after cost of $ since you infer they paid up front to get max discount...... First of all, I did not "infer" that they paid up front. I said if they pay "within terms". Since, apparently you don’t know what that means, (even though y... 
Non Authorized Martin Logan Dealers
I was a Martin Logan dealer for many years.  I will not get into specifics on pricing, but the final price to the dealer depends on:1.  Quantity of speakers ordered on the order2.  If bought right, freight is included, (usually based on total deal... 
Calling all Schiit Freya owners: question about amplifier pairing and heat problems.
I’m from the old school that says you should never stack gear. It creates more heat and also can lead to more noise in the system.I would maybe give Jason or Mike a call or email and see if this normal. IMHO, he will probably tell you the same thi... 
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
Inna, I'll follow up on my earlier response to your contention by speaking with uncharacteristic bluntness. In my opinion, your contention is nonsense. +1