

Responses from mofimadness

DACs with a budget of $800
If you can find one...Oppo Sonica DAC. 
Daryl’s House
One of my favorites shows.  If you do a search on here, you will find several threads, (most started by me). 
Does anything better Jelco arm ~$1000
I echo Steve's comments above.Jeff is wonderful to work with and I've never had a problem with either my Series II or Series V arms.  I even had one of his original arms for many years and it performed perfectly.I've owned and setup hundreds of th... 
Does anything better Jelco arm ~$1000
I haven’t been able to setup one of new Jelco arms yet, but have done many other models of Jelcos. I LOVE my two AudioMod arms, so it would be a toss up for me. Both are VERY good for the money! 
Audio Cleaner
Maybe the OP is talking about a "click & pop" remover? SweetVinyl has an excellent unit.http://www.sweetvinyl.com/https://www.analogplanet.com/content/listen-sweet-vinyls-sugar-cube-remove-bad-scratch-blue-rondo-la... 
Like female vocals - Check out Cold Specks
+1, Susan Tedeschi and Beth Hart+2 on both of these and add Neko Case 
Dahlquist DQ10
 I recommend replacing the woofers Don't replace the original woofers, just have them re-foamed if need be.  Regnar, (the Dahlquist factory guys) can re-foam them.  Bill Legall at MillerSound can do them justice too.  Even if you had toasted vo... 
Has Paypal suddenly started charging sales tax?
PayPal doesn't charge the sales tax the vendor does.  Most on-line vendors are now required to, by state law.Even when they didn't, the buyer was "supposed" to report this on their tax return.  Most did not, so the states have stepped in to make s... 
Dahlquist DQ10
You can never go wrong with Steely Dan! 
Looking for Audioquest Email or Phone Contact
I think this still works:  Alasdair Patrick (Apatrick@audioquest.com) Really great guy.  Should be able to help you out. 
Dahlquist DQ10
Here are the amps I’ve used with my DQ-10s over the years with great success:Odyssey Stratos series, (the Dual-Mono was the best)Anthem Amp 2SE+, (hybrid tube/SS)Aragon 4004 MKIIBelles 150A ReferenceBelles 350A ReferenceAny of these would be much ... 
Dahlquist DQ10
I have a really nice pair of DQ-10’s that I spent 4 months restoring. They came out absolutely gorgeous and sound great.I did replace a few of the caps mainly because they, more or less, crumbled when I touched them.Your receiver, IMHO, is barely ... 
MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!
MQA sounds incredibly good. With that said, you need to have the proper equipment and setup for it, or you will not hear what it can do for you. +1  That's been my experience. I have heard demonstrations of some very good systems lately, and ... 
Carver and Tube Life
Doesn't Bob offer not only a 20 year warranty on the amps themselves, but tubes also?  That would really ease my mind.KT120/KT150 tubes aren't cheap, especially if you have to replace a bunch.+1 on Al, (he's our treasure), no you can't have him :-) 
New Funk Firm Achromat Warped
I have several of the Funk Firm mats and all of mine are perfect.  I have never needed or used the adhesive discs.One of my favorite mats.I agree that you really shouldn't use these on top of another mat.