

Responses from mofimadness

Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
I bet I have at least a dozen different protractors in my arsenal of turntable setup tools.  Probably more.The Feickert is by far the best.  I have both an original and the newer version.  These work on any table and arm.  Expensive yes, but I've ... 
Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
Just to let you know the Technics alignment is very close to Stevenson, but not exactly Stevenson. Well, at least on the old decks, but i think geometry of the new tonearm is the same as the old one.   +1   It's close, but you should really use... 
Stan ( “stanwal” ) my he forever RIP
So sad to hear this.  Stan was a former audio dealer and a great guy.  I know he got really sick and was absent from here for awhile, but had returned recently.R.I.P. Stan.  Bet you have a fantastic system wherever you are... 
Yanni or Laurel?
I watched two different talk shows today that played the clip for the audience, then polled them.The majority of the females heard "Yanni" and the majority of the males heard "Laurel". 
Yanni or Laurel?
Here is the backstory:https://www.wired.com/story/yanny-and-laurel-true-history/ 
Yanni or Laurel?
All I hear is "kill them, kill them all." lol...I just watched that X-Files episode.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-wBNxn23fk 
Yanni or Laurel?
I can only hear Laurel also. 
Pro-Ject buys Musical Fidelity
Don't know.  I've meet Tony several times.  He always seemed really into his company and job, (and high-end audio).Maybe he decided it was time. 
Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly
I had a UA-7045 that had bad bearings out of the box. Sent to back to Japan to be repaired, came back even worse.The second model had wiring that kept getting caught at the pillar junction and would keep the arm from traveling properly. Gave up af... 
Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly
@chakster I owned a couple of JVC Victor arms back in the day, (late 70’s-early 80’s). Biggest pile of junk I’ve ever owned.I doubt that I would ever travel down that road again... 
Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly
Just got an email stating the EASYVTA will begin shipping tomorrow! 
Analogue Productions Originals
@marktomaras Yes, I’ve been several times. Tickets are limited and yes, it takes place in the church, which btw, has SUPERB acoustics.I’ve even hung out after the show and talked to the musicians. It’s really a laid back, low key environment.Some ... 
If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
@jhillsJust a little teaser:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN0fkNp4WLs 
Analogue Productions Originals
If you ever get a chance, you need to attend Chad’s Blues Masters At The Crossroads event he does every fall.FANTASTIC time and LOTS and LOTS of great music.http://www.blueheavenstudios.com/index.cfm 
If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
If I had the right room, (custom built), and the money,  the mbl Master Reference System would my mine.Never heard anything better.