

Responses from mofimadness

Eastern Electric out of business?
AFAIK, Bill owns Morningstar which is/was the US importer for Eastern Electric.  Yes, he is a great guy.  Happy retirement Bill!Here is the company, (EE) website:http://www.eeaudio.com/eeaudio_005.htm Alex Yeung owns Eastern Electric, so I think ... 
Daily Audiophile
Thanks!  Sweet site! 
Audiomods Tonearm.....
Thanks for the info!  I have a couple of Jeff's arms and find them to be one of the biggest bargains out there.Highly recommended... 
Jerome Sabbagh KIckstarter for new LP "No Filter"
Got mine today!  Haven't had a chance to clean it and listen, but will as soon as I can. 
Where would you sell your vinyl collection?
Not sure where you are located, but if you are close to Northern Colorado, I have hundreds of proper LP shipping boxes that I would be more than happy to share with you for free.  Some include cardboard flats and/or the small 12x12 bubble wrap for... 
Where would you sell your vinyl collection?
To add to what Bill said:  Both E-Bay and Discogs have a "make offer" tab.  Start a little high on price, but put in the make offer button.Also, on Discogs, be REALLY careful as to which copy you choose.  Some have LOTS of different versions, so b... 
Where would you sell your vinyl collection?
Can you provide a link to your Discogs sales?  I'd like to look through what you have. 
Blackberry Smoke....
Sorry, kick-ass.  Kinda changes the meaning a little huh?  :-) 
Blackberry Smoke....
I saw them in Denver a few years ago.  They were filming live for AXS TV.  It was the night before they left for their European tour.  What a GREAT show!!!  They rocked the house down.  I became a major fan that night.Kiss ass southern rock-n-roll... 
It was 50 years ago today....
Well, obviously it was really only three quarters of the Beatles the second half of their existence since Paul was replaced by a look-alike around 1966 following his untimely death. Fortunately, the look-alike had a very good singing voice and f... 
It was 50 years ago today....
It doesn’t matter what anyone, whether informed pedant or shameless ignoramus, thinks about The Beatles - good or bad. Popular music today would be something else altogether had they not existed. Apart from the music they created, they changed r... 
It was 50 years ago today....
So IMHO, they were not the second coming, but they were damn close.   + 1 I'll take John Lennon with his fur jacket That was actually Yoko's fur coat. 
Schiit Freya Thump or pop sound
01-27-2019 1:03pmTurn on sequence = source, pre-amp, power amp. Turn off sequence = power amp, pre-amp, source.+1 This should be is written in stone in the audiophile bible +2 
MQA is Legit!
@jethro1964...Not sure if "better" is the correct word? These were taken from the MQA website:"MQA reveals every detail of the original recording.""MQA captures 100% of the original studio performance. It then cleverly adapts to deliver the highes... 
MQA is Legit!
@ mzkmxcv...how many MQA DACs have you actually HEARD?  Looking at specs and listening are two different things.  I learned many, many years ago, that just because a unit tests a certain way, does NOT mean it sounds that way.  You mentioned the D...