

Responses from mofimadness

Quick Cartridge Questions
Most cartridges if keep clean and not abused, should last 1500-2000 hours.The cartridge should really be matched to the tonearm first. The phono stage matching is more along the lines of cartridge output. You wouldn't be able to use a low output M... 
NAD 7140 VS Nakamichi TA 2A
These are both pretty nice older receivers. Either one is a keeper, but if I had to choose, I would keep the Nak. 
Rega 700 rewire
I'd recommend sending it to Brit Audio and letting him do a Cardas rewire on it.http://britaudio.com/Tone_Arm_Rewires.html 
Universal remote for audio only
I also use a Sony RM-VL700. Excellent remote, easy to use. 
arc pre-amps SP-9 LS7 or the SP12 with vandersteen
Do you need a phono stage? The LS7 is line level only. Most of the SP9MKII's I have seen for sale here on Audiogon are around the $700 price range also. You could always try the LS7 and resell it if you don't like it. 
Question about the TNT200 amp. covers.
The vents, (slots) go to the rear:http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_images.php?cat=Amplifiers&catnick=amplifiers&cfid=100713&image_id=701909 
Extra outputs on a Joule LA 100 MK III?
They could be buffered tape output jacks? 
arc pre-amps SP-9 LS7 or the SP12 with vandersteen
One of my all time favorite preamps is the SP9MKII or MKIII. It has a wonderful phono stage. The SP12 is pretty old. I have heard the LS7, but not in my system.The SP9 series only uses (2) tubes, so tube rolling is inexpensive. The SP12 uses (5) t... 
Does anyone have advice on power cables?
Sorry, I'll try again:http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC9 
Does anyone have advice on power cables?
I'm also a fan of the Pangea AC Power cords. Excellent value. I am an infomerical so here you go:http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC9 
Azden Cartridges
The job of the stylus is to trace, (or retrace) the groove as close as possible to the actual cutting stylus. So, in this case, yes the line contact will have a closer profile to the cutting stylus. 
Preamp suggestions
I third the Modwright. Excellent sound and value. Punches way above it's price point. 
Azden Cartridges
Same cartridge, different styli. 
Testing speaker capacitors
I am assumimg you have a pair of speakers? Just remove both tweeters and swap them. If the twetter works in the other cabinet, then you have a crossover, (or wiring) problem. If it doesn't work, you need a new tweeter. 
Rotel RB1080 vs Odyssey Stratos vs McCormack DNA
If you have a tight fit in your cabinet, the Odyssey amp is a MONSTER amp. If the Rotel fits tight, the Odyssey might not fit at all.I agree that either the McCormack or the Odyssey will better your Rotel.