

Responses from mofimadness

Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
After posting the referenced link above, I started to reread some of the responses and realized that "Tater" was the one was asked the same question a year ago...almost to the day.So Tater, did you retube a year ago and need another retube, or did... 
Sota Sapphire iii power supply cable needed
It's been awhile, but I recall that the power cable was captive, (attached) and came from the table. It then plugged into the power supply. You might check inside/underneath the table to see if the cable was put in there for storage. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
The VT-100 series was the model that Upscale Audio will not retube anymore.Here is the thread:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1236156733&read&keyw&zzupscale=audio 
Arm for SOTA?
Stan,I was a SOTA dealer, back in the day and have personally owned 4 or 5 different SOTA tables. The best arm I had on one of mine was a SME 309. We sold many SOTAs with the Sumiko MMT and FT3 arms that always sounded very good. Never tried a Lin... 
Connectors that convert spades to bananas?
Here are a couple:http://www.hndme.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=1456&idcategory=130http://www.parts-express.com//pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=091-315&vReviewShow=1&vReviewRand=2004279 
Electro Harmonix 6922 pre-amp tubes
The same tube is always going to sound different in a different circuit. It depends on how that tube is implemented within the piece of gear.I had the EH tubes sound great in a phono stage, but horrible in a DAC.The best sounding "new production" ... 
Sonic Frontiers Schematic
Chris Johnson owns Parts Connexion.http://www.partsconnexion.com/about.html 
Digital upgrade, Why Can't I make a decision?
The PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and Transport are some of the newest digital products, not older technology.Most reports on the new PS Audio stuff has been pretty stellar. 
Toslink or 110 ohm aes/ebu?
Toslink has always been rated as the worst of the digital connection schemes.AES/EBU is one of the best digital connections.I use the Cardas AES/EBU Digital cable, but there are many others that are good also. 
Good Amp for Martin Logan Monolith II
Try to find a used Innersound ESL amp. These are made specifically to run electrostatic loudspeakers. You could by a new Sanders ESL amp, (same as Innersound, but updated). 
Amp/ preamp for electostatics and why
I have the new Sanders ESL amp with my Martin Logan CLSIIA. I've tried many amps and kept this one.Tube preamp wise, I've had excellent luck with Audio Research, Modwright, Cary. 
Best sound in old late 70s early 80s receivers
The Nakamichi STASIS receivers were excellent. The power amp sections were designed by Nelson Pass of Threshold.The Harmon Kardon receivers of that vintage were also very good sounding. 
Good speakers for a small room?
Spica TC-50. 
the greatest pop song ever?
My Sharona867-5309/Jenny 
Noobie looking for advice
From the T92USB manual:PHONO/LINE SWITCH - Switches the output to either phono or line level. Use the PHONO setting when plugging into a “PHONO” input on a receiver or DJ mixer. Use “LINE” position when connecting to a line level input such as CD ...