

Responses from mofimadness

Phono Preamp vs Preamp for a Turntable
You CAN use any preamp with a built-in phono stage with your current setup. The turntable hooks to the "phono in" on the preamp and you can use either the "preamp out" or the "tape out" to any high level input your receiver.The "preamp out" will l... 
audiophile rockers
IMHO, there is no one like Becker and Fagen. They have always been concerned with sound quality. Steely Dan rules! 
Equipment you just must get if you can
MBL Speakers. 
What did you get for Christmas?
I got an Olive 04HD and a Parasound JC-3. Merry Christmas to me! 
Removing tube from EE Minimax Dac
To remove the metal shield, push in on it and turn. It is spring loaded. Once removed, the tube pulls straight out. 
Lyra Titan: Stylus broken during shipping
I think that the stylus was snapped off when the sytlus guard was put back on. Like Hifimaniac mentioned, the guard has to be aligned just right or you can damage the stylus. Good luck. 
Audio Research Corp Ref 5 SE
Clickable link:http://artsexcellence-audioresearch.blogspot.com/2011/12/audio-research-reference-5-se.html 
Rick Schultz`s new cable
How much is this new wonder cable? 
suitable tonearm for audio technica AT-150mlx
IMHO option, either arm will work very well with that cartridge. I've used my AT150MLX on a Rega RB600, Audioquest PT9 and a Zeta(van den Hul) all with excellent results. 
Canare 4s11 or Anti-Cable/JW CryoNova
Canare 4S11 
Anthem Amp 2 Hybrid Stereo amp ???
I was running some Cardas back then. I don't remember the model, but I soon switched to the MapleShade Golden Helix which was an excellent match with that amplifier.I've gone through several different cables since then settling on the Canare 4S11 ... 
Anthem Amp 2 Hybrid Stereo amp ???
I had an Anthem Amp 2SE+ for several years and it remains one of my favorite amps. It controlled my Martin Logan CLSIIA's with aplumb. These speakers are very hard to drive and alot of amps I tried just pooped out. The Amp 2 had great bass control... 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?YES! 
Record Clamp for Rega TT
I have a TTWeights clamp that was designed especially for the Rega tables. Actually, it's a record "weight". It doesn't clamp per se, but sits on the spindle. I think it works and sounds great.http://www.ttweights.com/catalog/item/6997332/7020292.htm 
Maggie speakers and bi-amping
There was just a thread on here a few days or maybe a week ago that discussed this very thing. I tried to find it, but had no luck. Maybe someone else remembers the thread topic title and can post it.