

Responses from mofimadness

Micrex R1 Valve Preamp
Vertical placement of instruments....crazy
That almost sounds like they are out of phase. Maybe check to be sure the interconnects are wired correctly. They might have been reversed internally when they were put together. 
Amp/Pre-amp Bridge 101
No, the power of the two units cannot be combined. Remove the jumpers from the 701 and use the "pre-outs" to the "inputs" on the 2150, amp. Hook speakers to the 2150 amp.He could "Y" out of the preamp outputs and come back into the receiver, but i... 
Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi
My take on this, is that current gear, for the most part, is very good.The designers are more talented and educated and experienced. The technology to build these and test them is much better. The parts quality is better. This is the 21st Century.... 
Room acoustics in a former church sanctuary?
I agree with Timrhu. There was a small church that went up for sale in the small town I live in a few years ago. I drove past it everyday for quite awhile hoping and wishing that I could buy it. I even looked at it with a realtor.I couldn't swing ... 
People buying Transports again?
I switched to my Olive 04HD about a year and a half ago. Although I don't use my excellent CEC transport any longer, I probably will never sell it. You never know when you might need it. 
Great Overall Career Arc -- Group/Solo
Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac)Don Henley (Eagles)Joe Walsh (James Gang, Eagles)Linda Ronstadt (Stone Poneys) 
New tv?
Panasonic Plasma 
Stainless Steel Binding posts on speakers?
Martin Logan at one time offered Stainless Steel binding posts as a custom order option. IIRC, they were pretty damn expensive. I never heard a set, but always thought they were "supposed" to sound better? Makes me wonder... 
Room acoustics in a former church sanctuary?
Check out Chad's church in Salina, Kansas, home of Blue Heaven Studios:[url]http://www.blueheavenstudios.com/history.cfm[/url] 
Rega RP40 Anniversary Edition turntable
Your Favorite Cover Songs?
There is a young group of sisters from Fort Collins, Colorado called SHEL that do an incredible version of "Battle Of Evermore". They are aged 18-24 and are fantastic! I've seen them live several times. I hope they make it really big because they ... 
Porter Ports or Cabledyne Cryo Hubbell 5362
The Porter ports are not an out-of-the-box stock 5362. They are a special order un-plated version.http://porterhouseaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52:porterports 
OPPO Relieability??
Bill...try unplugging the unit, just remove the power cable from the back. With the unit unplugged, hit every button on the front of the unit, (this drains any capacitance that is left behind). Then plug it back in. Might solve the problem. 
Sleeper Debut Lps...70s classic rock
Dayglow..."Flat As A Pancake" is one of my favorite albums. Definitely on my top 10 list! I need to go put that on right now. Actually almost every song on that album is a keeper. Thanks for the reminder.