

Responses from mofimadness

The Audiophile's Wife no longer putting it out?
I've enjoyed her ramblings also.http://www.theaudiophileswife.com/ 
Bi amping question
Whatever you do, do NOT combine the left and right outputs together!!! You'll toast the amp. If the stereo amp you have doesn't have an internal way to bridge it to mono, you are stuck with a stereo only amp.If you had two of the same amp, you cou... 
Cartridge for 45's
The Denon is a great choice as long as you have enough gain. It has an output of only .3mv.Another option is the Shure M97xE. It's a high output MM and is really an excellent choice and is cheap. If you can afford it, the Audio Technica AT150MLX i... 
Amp with best bass control
Sanders Magtech. 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
My take on the Grover cables are just the opposite of Jmbatkh. I started with the Grover "SC" cables about 7-8 years ago. I sent those back to Grover to have them upgraded to the "SX" series, then once again about a 18 months ago to the new "ZX" s... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Another HUGE Grover Huffman fan here. I have owned or have listened to just about every cable out there. The Grover's are EXCEPTIONAL! Highly recommended!!They do need a VERY long break in time, but after that they settle in, just perfect... 
turntable light
I use a couple of these from Ikea:http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80169636/#/80169636There are few other designs from Ikea also. I also have used the "LittLite": http://littlite.com/ 
Wish List For Vinyl Pressings
Ralph, I would be in on this, depending on the LP. 
Re HTC One Android Emphasis on Audio
One APP I can recommend is the "Vinyl District". No matter where you are, it lists the closest record stores to your location. Excellent. 
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or
My CEDIA certified tech told me to put at least 200 hours on the set before it was to be calibrated. 
Dynavector 505 to replace modded Incognito RB300.
Dynavector 505 to replace modded Incognito RB300.
Czarivey...one of my tables happens to be an Oracle Delphi MKIV with a Zeta (van den hul) arm, which is pretty heavy. I had to replace the springs on that table. Oracle makes several different springs that are color coded and has a list that lets ... 
Dynavector 505 to replace modded Incognito RB300.
Czarivey...also ask your dealer about different springs for the Gyrodec. This arm is pretty heavy, as Lewm noted. I'm pretty sure you will need to replace them with the appropriate ones. 
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or
Agree with Schubert...Panasonic. 
Dump Your 401K, Invest in records
It has to be the "correct" Freewheelin' copy:http://recordmecca.com/news/an-original-freewheelin-bob-dylan-with-withdrawn-tracks-surfaces/