

Responses from mofimadness

Best Rock Song Of ALL TIME?
The Eagles-Hotel California 
Audio Technica AT33EV different versions? On RP6?
The stylus guard pushes/slides on from the bottom towards the top. It's a pretty big guard and covers most of the cartridge.I have bought a couple of things from 2juki and had no problems at all. 
Audio Technica AT33EV different versions? On RP6?
Scott...I've bought 4 or 5 cartridges from Audiocubes2 at the link I provided. I have always had great service and quick turnaround. I think shipping via airmail is only around $20 or so.I've never bought from any Japanese cartridge sellers on E-B... 
Audio Technica AT33EV different versions? On RP6?
Scott...I had it on a fully blown/modded Rega P25/RB600, (upgraded subplatter, platter, outboard power supply, counterweight, etc.)I used it through the phono stage in my Modwright LS100 preamp.My music preferences are: female vocalists, Steely Da... 
Audio Technica AT33EV different versions? On RP6?
If you could spend a little more, I've had this model and loved it:http://www.audiocubes2.com/product_info.php/cPath/31/products_id/605I think it's worth the extra dollars over the regular version. 
Amazon "Cloud" Player
Don_s...if you really feel that way, don't buy anything from Amazon. Then you won't have to pay for something you'll never use. Pretty simple huh? 
Amazon "Cloud" Player
Amazon did the same thing with my account. I have over 500 CDs in my Cloud player. On my tablet and computer it really doesn't sound too bad. Yes, it is not "hi-rez", but for it's intended purpose, it works and sounds decent and it was FREE!!!Than... 
Anyone interested in stereophile estate auction?
Jmc...the listing links are at the very top of the page. Most of the gear is older, mid-fi (at best) equipment.http://www.birdsongestate.com/The records don't look like they were very well taken of. 
Recommend cartridge for JVC QL-Y66F
You'll love the AT150MLX. It's a fantastic cartridge. I own a couple of them. Give it at least 40-50 hours to break-in. 
Driving Magnepan 1.7
Sanders Magtech Amplifier. Buy one and be done with your amplifier search. 
Recommend cartridge for JVC QL-Y66F
Audio Technica AT150MLX 
Connecting cable box RCA digital out...
What setting is your cable box using to output it's digital signal. It's probably Dolby 5.1 and the Mytek doesn't like that. You would need to go into the menu of the cable box and see what settings are available. 
Threshold fet 10/pc info
If you go to the link listed above and scroll all the way down to the comments, there it says that the poster just bought in March 2013 a Fet 10"E" phono stage on E-Bay for under $700 dollars. That would make yours worth about $400-$500. Take it f... 
Recommend a cartridge for my new TT
Audio Technica AT150MLXDynavector 10X5 
CD player similar to Playstation 1?
Try a Rotel RCD-1072. One of the best sounding CD players I've ever had in my system. Smooth, open, warm and very easy to listen to.