

Responses from mofimadness

Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks exit ABB
Best sounding and reliable CD changer?
I still have a Harmon Kardon HK8350 and a Marantz VC5200, which is a DVD/CD changer. The HK is CD only. Both are 5-disc changers.Both of these are very nice and sound amazing good, but even better through an outboard DAC.Excellent build quality an... 
Weird Band Names.
Butthole Surfers was always my favorite weird band name.Here is a link for more:http://brightlightsfilm.com/weirdbandnames/ 
How to set dip switches in juicy music tercel?
Capacitance (pf) only affects moving magnet cartridges. Moving coils do not use or need this setting. IMHO, I would set all those switches to "off". 
Audio Research LS2 vs Audio Research SP16L
I was an ARC dealer for many years. The ARC LS2 as good as it is, is no match for the newer SP16L. IMHO, it would a very good upgrade. 
Ayre V-5xe pops off/Manley Shrimp
My guess, (hey Al, want to chime in?) is that the Shrimp is emitting a little bit of DC and the Ayre doesn't like it and is shutting down.Probably need to have EveAnna look at it. 
Andy Kim - Needle Clinic
Bif...glad to hear you had a positive experience. I'm going to be sending him my Delos for repair. Really helps to read good things about a company. Peter, (SoundSmith) has done 6-8 cartridges for me over the years and all have been excellent, but... 
If it works and sounds good to you, then yes, it was a good buy. IMHO, I would have bought it for $160 as long as it was in decent shape and worked. It's an excellent cartridge. 
Swap Mono amps Left for Right
If both mono amps, (of any make) are biased correctly and matched as a pair, it should make no difference in sound. 
Arcane inquiry re 1960s speakers ad
Al's the best! 
Need Help Identifying Specific Discovery Cables
When Joe first started Discovery Cable, he only had one model, "The Discovery Interconnect", IIRC.I think you have one of the original cables. I have a couple of those also.You might send Joe an email with pic and ask him for sure. 
Need Help Identifying Specific Discovery Cables
The power cable is from a company called Signal Cable and the model number is "MagicPower". Frank sells here on Audiogon. I have probably a dozen of them.http://signalcable.com/magicpower.html 
World's largest vinyl record
Cool. Thanks for sharing! 
Pro-ject Debut Carbon vs Debut III ??
If now you are talking about spending more money, then YES, the Rega RP3 is going to be an upgrade from the Debut Carbon. 
Michell Gyro SE-what arm?
I'd really recommend the AudioMods arm. Too bad that you couldn't have bought that along with the table since it was already mounted. Excellent arm.The Rega RB-1000, at the price you stated you could get it at, is also a very good choice.