

Responses from mofimadness

TAS - turntable setup
IMHO, the reason the writers don't mention "Balancing" a tonearm is that they incorporated this step into "Step Three Setting VTF".I haven't really "balanced" a tonearm for many moons. Ever since I got all of my "analog tools". If you use any type... 
Upgrading interconnects
"The Grover Huffman cables are really very good."Alan+1...Highly recommended! 
Sloped baffle
There is a really good book that explains a lot of this and is written for the person without a PHD. It's entitled "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook".I pulled my copy out and reread some of what was discussed above. I highly recommend it if anyone ... 
Interconnects & Speaker cables
Signal Cable[url]http://signalcable.com/index.html[/url] 
DAC and power conditioner
Sloped baffle
It is used to time align the drivers. Some manufacturers do this physically, (with the cabinet) and some do it electronically (in the crossover).Just a different means to an end. You can have good or bad sound with either arrangement. One way isn'... 
Ethernet Cables
Here is a pretty decent review. Make sure you read all the comments below the article.http://www.audiostream.com/content/audioquest-vodka-ethernet-cable-and-diamond-ethernet-cable 
Your favorite album cover...
Brain Salad Surgery (ELP)Almost any of the YES album coversAJA & The Royal Scam (Steely Dan)Hotel California (The Eagles)I have all of the "Album Cover Album" books and there are a lot of excellent covers. If you ever get a chance to look thro... 
Greatest song titles..
Bobby and Sylvia did a song called "You Broke My Heart And I Broke Your Jaw"Spooky Tooth had an album called "You Broke My Heart, So I Busted Your Jaw". Everytime I hear or read about that song I get it mixed up with Harry Nilsson's "You're Breaki... 
Greatest song titles..
"Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict"-Pink Floyd (Ummagumma) 
Peter...yes, I got that a few days ago. I agree that it is a very good recording.I've been pretty impressed with all of the bands and records so far.I wish they would get their release schedule, back on schedule. They decided to do 150 gram LPs in... 
Problem with Transition from MOG to Beats.
Mabonn...Beats isn't available on the Squeezebox devices. I have several and right after I heard the news that Beats bought MOG, I contacted Beats to see if it would work on the Squeezeboxes.I was told that it would not, but they were in contact w... 
Denon 103r with no serial number?
Does it have an aftermarket body, like a wooden or aluminum one? These probably wouldn't have the serial number on the top.If it has an OEM factory body, the serial number should be on the top.Why don't you ask the seller? 
Wall Outlet Oyaide, Furutek, Wattgate, and others
+1 on the Porter Ports. 
Magnepan 3.7 Jumper Direction?
Cardas makes some jumpers specifically for the Magnepan speakers. I use a full set of these from crossovers to the speakers and all of the jumper points.Best I have ever used. Expensive, but IMHO, worth every penny.You can buy the complete set or ...