

Responses from mofimadness

VTF Question for dummies
turntable setup 
Absolute Mystery
Al...thanks for recommendation! I am looking forward to reading it. I love a great mystery. Hope my library has it. 
Resolution: DSD vs 16bit vs 24 bit
Clickable link:http://benchmarkmedia.com/blogs/news/15121729-audio-myth-24-bit-audio-has-more-resolution-than-16-bit-audio?utm_source=Application+Notes&utm_campaign=f80542b9fc-AppNotes_15aug-+Audio+Myth+%28LINK%29&utm_medium=email&utm_... 
Best of current 12ax7?
Rja...I bought mine from Galen Carol.https://www.gcaudio.com/cgi-bin/store/showProduct.cgi?id=791 
Absolute Mystery
I really liked "The Music Lovers". I haven't read any other of his books, but this one was good.I agree with Jazz's comments above. 
Best of current 12ax7?
I mentioned the Sophia tubes, see my above post. Excellent tubes. 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
Sorry that I was lazy in my response above. I should have stated what Al, (as usual, very highly detailed and correct. We are really lucky to have Al on here. Yeah, I'm a fanboy) did about the gain(s).I did look up all the gain stages, but didn't ... 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
From what you describe, I think that maybe you are overloading the phono input. Make sure you are using the MM input and not the MC. If you are using the MC along with the SUT, it could very well indeed be too much gain. 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Sabai...weren't you the one who claimed that Grover stole a cable design from you? I think that kind of makes your comments a little one-sided? 
Thanks for the link! What an interesting story. 
Best Option To Liquidate CD Collection
I agree with the above comments. Keep your CDs. I have over 2200 CDs that I have ripped to my music server. There's no way in hell that I would ever get rid of them. Actually, that thought has never entered my mind.You just never know... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
"i found all of his cables to have a sound that appeals to inexperienced listeners"Ie...that's a pretty ignorant, (but ballsy) statement to make on these forums. The members here are some of the most experienced and knowledgeable audiophiles in th... 
Rega TT-PSU drops right channel
Scott, the ground wire for the tonearm is soldered to the inside wall of the arm tube, (well, on the old style RB250/300 series it was anyway).Why don't you try to call Rick at Audio Alternatives in Fort Collins, Colorado. He is not only a master ... 
Rega TT-PSU drops right channel
Scott...weird dude! Try doing the same scenario you mention above but don't "switch TTPSU to 45, then to 33", just raise and then lower the arm and see if this works. By raising and lowering the arm you are flexing the wire inside the arm tube and... 
Rega TT-PSU drops right channel
Scott...IMHO it's not the power supply. The motor/power supply is in no way electronically connected to the tonearm. If you are switching the PSU from 33 to 45 and back again with the record playing, it is probably the little extra vibration and/o...