

Responses from mofimadness

Budget DAC
You might be able to find a used Schitt BiFrost for around that budget.Excellent unit. 
Kiseki = what to do?
SoundSmith:http://www.sound-smith.com/retip/Cartridge Retipping and Repair:http://www.phonocartridgeretipping.comI have used both of these companies and they are excellent! 
It's official, there's nothing weirder than...
I saw Journey, 2 or 3 summers ago with REO Speedwagon or The Doobie Brothers or Styx, (can't remember) and they were indeed less than anticipated. The weird thing for me was how much that new lead singer resembled Steve Perry! I actually thought i... 
Sheffield Lab
Sorry, my mistake. The Blazing Redheads were on Reference Recordings not Sheffield.I was thinking of the Usual Suspects and wrote the wrong group. 
Sheffield Lab
I can't believe all the dissing of Sheffield. You need to understand that back in the day, Sheffield was a VERY small label and didn't have the budgets of Mobile Fidelity or Nautilus, so they couldn't attract the big boys.Some of my best recording... 
Recommend a recording that shows of soundstage
"Before The Deluge" by Jackson Browne is the one tune I always use for this. 
Sheffield Lab
I have everything Sheffield has ever done on vinyl. One of my first stores was a dealer for Sheffield, Reference Recordings, Mobile Fidelity, Nautilus, etc. back in the day.I was fortunate enough to get a copy of all that we sold. I agree that the... 
John Mayer - Opened My Ears
Synth...to each his own. I really like him and I'm sure you listen to crap I wouldn't let on my turntable and vice versa.Indeed there is a lot of great music out there... 
Vandersteen 4
Maybe the Full Range/Bi-Amp switch was added because customers didn't want the extra expense of buying (2) amps? In that case you wouldn't use the WX-4 at all. That would seem the most logical reason.Maybe an email to Richard is in order. 
Apple to Acquire Beats Audio
My thinking was thus:MOG sold out to Beats and I'm sure Beats made MOG sign a non-compete agreement. This agreement would be between MOG and Beats not MOG and Apple. So "maybe" MOG could restart a new service and not violate any conditions that th... 
4 speakers, 2 channel amp
Brad34695...that's what I thought. You could wire them in parallel to either the 8ohm or 4ohm tap. Really doesn't matter. I would probably use the 8ohm tap. The amp will see a 4ohm load that way, but Liz is correct also that the 4ohm tap will see ... 
Vandersteen 4
I'm pretty sure the WX-4 goes between the preamp and amps. The R&L INPUT would be from the preamps outputs. The R&L HF OUT would go to the high frequency amplifier and the R-STEREO-L LF OUT would go to the low frequency amp.The speaker its... 
Apple to Acquire Beats Audio
I wonder if this will release MOG from Beats? I really LOVE MOG and it would be GREAT if they could stick around. 
Smoke contaminated component
When we took in gear like this in my stores, we used an open container, (like an empty margarine tub) or ziplock bag full of coffee grounds or rice. That seemed to absorb most of the odor.I think Elizabeth has several options that she has tried ov... 
4 speakers, 2 channel amp
Looking at the specs for the MC-2200 I found here:http://audio-database.com/MCINTOSH/amp/mc2200-e.htmlI think you would have no problem. The amp is stable into a 1ohm load, (a 1ohm rating is listed anyway). If the Paradigm speakers are 8 ohms each...