

Responses from mofimadness

Help for Cello Audio Pallete malfunction
Cello was a Mark Levinson (the man) production. Maybe get a hold of him and see if he can help.He now owns Daniel Hertz SA. Use the contact link on the website I Iinked and see what he has to say. 
Emotiva Goes Brick and Mortar
Interesting. Thanks for the link. We'll have to wait and see what happens... 
Lyra Delos 'belly cover'
Quincy...you need to send Alasdair from Audioquest, (the Lyra distributor) an email and tell him what is going on. He will send all the info that you need to get this fixed.Apatrick@audioquest.com 
Connecting Subwoofer to Linn Electronics
The Linn Wakonda has (2) sets of pre-outs. Run an interconnect cable (Right & Left) into the "input" of the sub. Easy peasey, lemon squeezy. 
Most enjoyable speaker you heard under $800??
Spica TC-50 
Did anyone have a positive experience on RSD?
Slaw...thanks! I just checked and unfortunately Tidal doesn't have anything by her or Azure Ray. I'll have to look elsewhere.One of favorite new albums is "Blackbirds" by Gretchen Peters. Highly recommended! 
System Help
"Can the room make that much of a difference?"Yes, IMHO, the room should be considered the MOST important component in your system.Keep trying with room placement and setup. You will slowly get it dialed in.It's a journey not a sprint... 
Is Vinyl Worth It
"LP's were programmed as two separate sides, the songs and their relationship to the other songs on their one side being a complete experience unto itself. "+1 and well stated. 
Is Vinyl Worth It
Viridian...you need to take your comedy show on the road :-) 
Price for Klipsch Belle's?
Here is a link to the sold listings from E-Bay. Quite a range of prices. Looks like it depends on finish and condition. 
Weird problem. Bad tube or something else?
Viridian gets the "chuckle of the day" award :-) 
mint best tractor gone?
Yip's website is now back up. 
Does sellers responsibility end at FedEx?
John... the way I am reading this is that Jim63 is the seller and has a buyer that doesn't want to pay for insurance, (which is stupid).I agree that insurance should be mandatory and if the buyer balks, find a new buyer. Seems kinda like a scam wa... 
Technics 1210 Mk II
KAB is the gold standard for mods and upgrades to these tables. 
Favorite BB King album?
While not a pure BB King album, "Riding With The King", is my favorite. First thing I put on when I heard the news...