

Responses from mofimadness

Looking for pre with 2 volume controls.
If looking used, the Quicksilver Full Function Preamp has dual volume controls. 
HDMI Cables
Thx-333...the reason I recommended Monoprice was that I did a HDMI shootout about 3-4 years ago.I had HDMI cable from Audioquest, Kimber, Monster, Cardas, and several others with retail prices up to around $400.The Monoprice Redmere HDMI cable was... 
Name The Intro
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your Naim. 
HDMI Cables
How well respected our EAR products
I have never sold or owned any EAR (Esoteric Audio Research) gear, but have listened to it many times.Tim de Paravicini is one of the best and brightest designers in audio...has been since the early 70's. EAR has always gotten excellent reviews an... 
How is a CD read?
The OP said it was a "live recorded CD." If this was taken straight from the sound board, it could be that a cable or even a control knob was bumped during just that song, then it was realized and fixed? 
record weight .... correct weight?
In addition to the bearing like twoleftears stated, it also depends on the type of suspension your table uses. 
Power Cord with a 20 amp female and 15 amp male ?
Pangea makes an adapter that 'might' be what you are looking for? 
Power Cord with a 20 amp female and 15 amp male ?
Pangea makes an adapter that 'might' be what you are looking for? 
Amari ultrasonic automatic RCM
There is a video of the ultrasonic model being unboxed and set-up and used to clean a record. Just scroll down a little to see the video.Seems really nice and easy. It even vacuums off the excess water. The selling price I saw was 7200 Chinese Yua... 
Amari ultrasonic automatic RCM
Amari RCM... 
Sleeves for gatefold albums
Sleeve City has them also. 
Sleeves for gatefold albums
Bags Unlimited.I actually use these and they are indeed terrific. Never had a problem with the fit. 
Martin Logan woofer amplification
I based my above assumption on this review.Here is the paragraph:"The Summit's active amplification includes toroidal power transformers, as part of a high performance bipolar amplifier that is said to offer better tracking of the input signal and... 
Martin Logan woofer amplification
I'm pretty sure the original Summits used a bi-polar amp for the woofers. I think this trickled down to the Montis and Ethos, (and of course the Summit X).The specs for the woofer amp state 200 watts at 4 ohms. I would think a class D amp would ha...