
Discussions mitch2 has started

just starting - mac vs. windows computer source?915826
Computer Audio – Help Getting Started740525
Anyone heard the new Cary SA-500.1 Monoblocks?1377011
Preamp modifications - who would you use?1608935
Help needed to diagnose preamp channel unbalance.654311
Why no remote controlled discrete resistor volume?700615
Why larger gauge speaker wire for low frequencies?96625
Just a stinkin fuse...63816
MUSE Erato II - Anyone using this player?1692442
Anybody heard the Raysonic CD238 yet, or too new?31831
shipping heavy amps - Canada to US?24848
Anybody heard BPT's SC-7.5LN speaker cables?32191
Good Copper IC's for 2.5M RCA pre to amp?636912
Bybees for speakers - any success stories?29201
Has anyone tried modifying a CX-7e?34245