
Discussions mitch2 has started

Help with DC power connectors please137211
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp2531054
Mojo Audio Deja Vu vs. Antipodes K50 or K4132976
Hattor users - thoughts on Tube active stage?30163
High quality, passive, balanced, low pass crossover?25118
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,00063121231
Help finding a simple but high quality buffer or preamp for remotely controlling volume39439
Decoupling Speakers546013
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?742071
Pass Labs - 350.8 stereo vs. 260.8 monos2036326
Does anybody not like Roon...based on SQ only?42669
Asking for Help with Digital Solution37658
Passive high pass filter - Marchand XM446XLR-A855318
Roon vs. Squeezebox Server (Logitech)96184
USB Cable Play-off101607