
Responses from misskuma

Art audio Jota
Which output tubes are you using with your Jota? 
ATC SCM12 and 50wpc Manley Stingray?
*the speaker can kill the amp when you crank it up.*woudn't that be the other way around?ie: underpowering the speakers can blow drivers?I am hoping small room ( 10X12 ) would help it.If 40 watts isn't enough, I can switch it to KT90 and get 8 mor... 
A most neutral and transparent power cord
First, show me what *neutral* is and I'll tell you. 
ATC SCM12 and 50wpc Manley Stingray?
yeah. the one i had was Plinius SA100 mk3. Sorry, I haven't heard the integrated. BTW, I've gotten hold of 40 watt push pull tube amp. I'll try it with SCM10 to see how they do in a small room. 
Pass Aleph 3 VS Bel Canto Evo 200.2
Aleph 3 is still viable option today. Comparing Bel Canto amp to Aleph islike comparing apples to oranges.I prefer Bel Canto ( their newer versionwith bigger tranny ) over Aleph, but that's just me. You and your system might find it otherwise. 
Great soundstaging speakers = 2k
ATC SCM 12. 
Who makes the least expensive Tube Pre-Amp?
my vote for an entry-level preamp goes toQuicksilver.If you can do without a remote, it can be hadfor under 500$ ( I think the list is 1100$? ) and soundsbetter than the remote version. It doesn't have the warmish romantic *tube sound*,but, its ne... 
Anyone familiar with Exposure?
Had an opportunity to listen to both of thier Titanium integrated and CD playerat home. I think they are better at amps than digital. While I was throughly impressedwith their amps ( warmish sounding tune carrying amplifiers ),CD player sounded ra... 
Krell KPS 28c
28C, AFAIK, is discontinued. Supposedly they are working on KPS version ofSACD player. ( Krell is vague about its lanuch date, however )It's an excellent player if you like your music presented big and boldwith good pacing. I would think, however,... 
Best SET Compatible Speakers, $4k-6k used
check out Refernece 3A Royal Virtuoso. http://www.reference3a.com/royalvirtuoso.htmHeard 'em with 6 watts and 10 watts SET. clean and coherent and pretty darn precise. I got the feeling that hey *lie less*. 
Question on 2 channel vs 5 channel amps ?
Ideally, you want to have all same speakers/amps in all channels on multi applications.I figure the rear won't matter so much and got different makes of speakers from the front.Boy, was I wrong. When the sound field cross over front to back or vic... 
Question on 2 channel vs 5 channel amps ?
Get the two channel amp from the same maker.Otherwise, you'll hear a tonal balance shift in multi channel mode.I dunno which one comes closest to the one you have. Those threeyou've listed sure sound diffrent from one another. 
The Fastest most musical amp
There is a such thing as music soudning "too fast". Linn, Naim, Chord, they all seem tobumping up leading edges a tad and have a shorter transient decay whichgive you a good sense of drive and speed. but, they all seem to lack inorganic substance ... 
King of SE Triode Power Tubes?
different tubes have different flavors.. Not to mention they largely dependon how they are used with which OPT, too. You ask anyone what's the bestand you'll get zillion answers that might not match or suit your system or your sonic taste. More po... 
A pair of "warm sounding"6922 tub
Try Mullards or Amperex.gees. can i buy those CCa from you? lol. I love those.